Illegal Alien Mocks America on TikTok, He Is Given His Deportation Ticket, But…

Illegal aliens are mocking the United States on social media in a move that is becoming a new low in the immigration crisis.

Platforms like TikTok have given some of these migrants a megaphone to ridicule our country and its laws while living off the very system they claim to despise.

This from

Instead of appreciating the opportunities they’ve been given, these social media “influencers” flaunt cash, boast about evading work, and encourage illegal behavior like squatting in abandoned homes. This is not just a slap in the face to hardworking Americans—it is a full-blown insult to every legal immigrant who followed the rules.

And who’s to blame? The communist/globalist crime syndicate (democrats). They have allowed millions of illegal aliens to flood across our southern border with zero accountability. By turning a blind eye—even encouraging and aiding—this crisis, they have effectively created an environment where lawbreakers feel emboldened to mock the country that has taken them in.

The Regime’s soft approach to immigration has opened the floodgates, and now we have illegal aliens laughing at our laws on social media while living off taxpayer-funded benefits. This is the chaos that comes when you fail to enforce immigration laws.

From Fox News:

The illegal migrant from Venezuela who went viral on social media for mocking America and encouraging squatting has been ordered to leave the U.S., according to an exclusive report by the New York Post.

Homeland Security sources told the Post that an Ohio-based judge ordered Leonel Moreno, 27, to be deported from the country on September 9.

According to a report from the New York Post:

One of the worst offenders, a Venezuelan migrant named Leonel Moreno, has finally been ordered to leave the U.S.

Moreno became infamous earlier this year when his TikTok videos went viral. In these clips, Moreno shamelessly flaunted a stack of cash while boasting that he did not come to the U.S. to work like a “slave.”

Instead, he encouraged other migrants to squat in abandoned homes, all while bragging about making $1,000 a week from social media. To make matters worse, his family was receiving $350 a week in government handouts. So much for needing to work hard to make it in America.

After being arrested in March for failing to show up to required ICE check-ins, Moreno’s case finally made it to court.

An Ohio-based judge ordered his deportation on September 9. But whether or not Moreno will actually be sent back to Venezuela is anyone’s guess.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is refusing to accept deportation flights, and Moreno may end up staying in the U.S. even after being ordered out.

This is a prime example of how broken our immigration system has become. Even when we try to enforce the law, we’re stonewalled by foreign governments.

This is something the Left has created. Enough is enough.

Our immigration laws must be enforced. Close the border and stop letting lawbreakers mock our country from within.