They FALL in Fall? Can You See the Dots Connecting?

Are the dots connecting clearly enough for you to see?

Can you feel the chess pieces being moved into their final positions?

This from

Don’t forget, the modern day prophet, Kim Clement, famously said “They FALL in Fall” and all indications are that 2024 is FINALLY the year of which he was speaking.

Everything else in his Seasons Prophecy has played out perfectly so far.

And now as we head towards fall, all of the chess pieces seem to have been moved into their endgame positions.

First, when does “Fall” officially start?


September 22nd, which is only 4 days away.

Don’t worry, be happy!

Let’s look into those Chess pieces:

Yesterday Sean “Diddy” Combs was arrested, indicted, and DENIED bail:

Some say he is bigger than Epstein in the sex trafficking.

Speaking of Epstein, Megyn Kelly told us he will be making a big appearance again so

This does not necessarily mean he is alive, rather he may speak from the grave via tapes, videos, recordings, and so-called “dead man’s switches” soon to be made public.

Between Epstein and Diddy, most of Hollywood, DC, and New York could go down!

Sounds a lot like “They FALL in Fall,” no?

Point of interest number three, President Trump posted on Truth Social “Checkmate” a few days ago:

Technically it was # instead of the word, but still….wow!



One question still to be answered, ‘Will Diddy turn and sell them all out?’

Or will he be “Epsteined” first?

This really says it all:

The bad news, and you literally cannot make this up, is Diddy is going to the exact same jail where Epstein was “Epsteined”….

He sure did love hanging out with Obama, didn’t he?

Here they are on video:

Wonder what things these two did together in dark rooms?

Bad news for Barry is that IF he did anything bad, it sure looks like it’s on video:

Remember: “They FALL in Fall.”

Oh my, this is getting good!

50Cent has been trying to expose Diddy for years:

And now this for the fun ending:

Prophecy or prevarication? Revelation or libel and slander?


As Kim Clement said: “They FALL in Fall.”