Moslem Migrants and the Seething in Europe—The European Turn to the Right

In Great Britain, tens of thousands of people came out this summer to protest against moslem criminals, and to bewail the failure of their government both to halt the moslem invasion (the government terms this immigration) and to enforce its own deportation decisions.

This from

Meanwhile in France, the government is without a prime minister, as President Macron struggles to avoid confronting the matter that most excites the French—moslem migrants, the expense they cost the French taxpayers, the crimes they commit, and the general sense of disorder and insecurity they create in the land.

And in Germany, the anti-moslem immigrant party, Alternative für Deutschland, has become the winner in the recent election in Thuringia, and the runner-up in Saxony, results that have sent the other parties into a panic, as AfD’s inexorable rise, despite the national media’s attempts to blacken its image as a “most far-right party since the Nazis,” continues.

More on those moslem migrants, and the growing rage in Europe expressed by people fed up with their governments’ inability to deal with the  moslem migrant crisis, can be found here: Continental Spring? Europe Could Be One Violent Migrant Incident Away From a Revolution, by Anthony Grant, New York Sun

Could Europe be facing its own version of the so-called Arab Spring? That era of uprisings and rebellions started with the despair—and suicide by fire—of a single Tunisian street vendor. It tore through the political fabric of much of the Middle East. In Europe today, disaffection with leaders seen as detached from the realities of migrant crime is roiling politics across the Continent.

Immigration, of course, isn’t the only issue. The spiraling cost of living—inflation and currency debasement—is among the issues that are contributing to the turmoil on the continent. In such an overheated climate as this, in any event, it would take only one incident to send people into the streets clamoring for common-sense change….

Why do these migrants want to go to Great Britain? The answer is simple: it is easier to enter the social services in the UK than in France. And the British are even more generous, in the cornucopia of benefits they lavish on these economic migrants posing as “asylum seekers,” than are the French.

The free or subsidized housing is better, the medical coverage under the National Health Service more extensive, the family allowances and unemployment benefits larger in the UK than in France.

If these migrants were genuine “asylum seekers,” they shouldn’t care which European country granted them asylum, but they are not asylum seekers; they are economic migrants, and will head for those countries in Europe where the benefits are biggest. These are the UK, Germany, and Sweden.

The Sun goes on to say:

[I]n France, President Emmanuel Macron did not ‘internalize’—that is, take to heart—the reasons for the National Rally’s success.

This is the party of Marine Le Pen, and voters turned to it because it is the only party that directly addresses the moslem immigration crisis, and promises not only to call a halt to that immigration, but to repatriate moslems, beginning with those who have been convicted of crimes.

Macron continues to avoid discussing the “[moslem] migrant” problem, for he does not dare to echo the National Rally and Marine Le Pen. That would allow his opponents on the left, such as the antisemitic Jean-Luc Mélenchon, to paint him as a “racist” and “Islamophobe.” Instead, Macron is attempting to direct public attention away from moslem migration and onto other matters.

Still waves of moslems pour into Western Europe each year, claiming to be “asylum seekers,” but in reality they are economic migrants, costing European taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars in welfare benefits each year.

In 2023, $36 billion was spent on these migrants in Germany alone.

And the moslems in Europe are responsible for:

– a vast increase in both crimes of property and crimes of violence, such as street assaults, rapes, and murders, and

– a general sense of insecurity and malaise.

Governments are apparently incapable of cracking down on this migration, much less stopping it altogether, and unable to enforce their own deportation orders.

Beware: A few more high-profile stabbings by moslem migrants will lead to new expressions of popular rage, akin to that on display in the UK this past summer.

Europeans are turning rightward because of only one thing: their anger against their governments’ inability to handle the moslem immigrant crisis.

Final thought: Beware too America. Our “Arab Spring” may very well be on the horizon. And as I have stated elsewhere more than once, moslems do not assimilate, they conquer and subjugate and then enforce their Sharia law.