The Lilliputian Left Still Unable to Keep Giant Trump Bound

Ganging up with the debate moderators, Comrade Kamala was still unable to immobilize the Trump giant.

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If the communists/globalists thought their fellow Lilliputian press agents masquerading as “journalists” and “moderators”—along with mean-girl snarks from Comrade Kamala—could bait the Trump giant enough to make him hang himself they were terribly over anticipatory.

Their team effort to distract millions of voters from noticing Dear Kamala is still dodging questions about her complicity with Dementia Joe’s disastrous term, his cognitive decline denied to We the People, and the far-left policy proposals that have marked her entire political career was entirely ineffective.

Despite the post-debate crowing about Dear Kamala’s victory, their ropes still are not tight enough to keep the Trump giant down. Furthermore, for eight long years, the communists/globalists have labored to restrain Giant Trump, but he keeps tugging at and loosening his bonds. Let us remain hopeful the Left does not catch on that:

[Y]ou can’t beat something with nothing.

Giant Trump’s term was still young when federal agencies began trying to tie him down:

– The Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, turning an unexceptional phone call with Ukraine’s president Zelensky into a flimsy impeachable offense,

– Trump’s private conversation in 2005 Access Hollywood leaked that turned some sexual braggadocio into evidence for a sexual assault,

– [N]umerous statements by Trump distorted with selective editing, like the “very fine people” comment edited to hide’s Trump’s exclusion of neo-Nazis and white supremacists,

– [T]he Big Lie that on January 6 [when] Trump [allegedly] instigated an ‘insurrection’ when he told attendees at a rally to march “patriotically and peacefully” to protest at the capital, and

– [D]on’t forget the multiple indictments by four [Leftist] prosecutors, all based on creative if not duplicitous reading of the laws.

All those efforts and hundreds more failed to end Giant Trump’s political career and clear the decks for a radical left president from a catastrophic Regime bent on destroying America at every opportunity:

Inflation, stagnant wages, and stratospheric levels of debt at home; Chamberlain class appeasement of Iran replete with billions in cash; 13 U.S. soldiers killed during the Afghanistan skedaddle; and support of sadistic terrorist murderers abroad, are difficult to spin even for [the Left with a complicit mass propaganda media]. All the [Leftists] have, then, are Hitlerian Big Lies, ‘colossal’ and ‘impudent untruths’ debunked repeatedly.

During the debate, Comrade Kamala told one of the left’s favorite Big Lies: the dull cliché that Giant Trump “is all about tax breaks for the richest people.” Here are the facts about his tax cuts from the Wall Street Journal:

– Seven years into the weakest recovery in postwar history, as the economy slumped toward a recession, the 2017 tax cuts and the Trump administration’s regulatory relief sent real median household income soaring by $5,220 in 2019,

– That’s 49% higher than the previous highest annual gain in 2015 and 11 times the average percentage gain over the previous 50 years,

– Real median income rose more in inflation-adjusted dollars in 2019 alone than during the entire Obama recovery from 2009-16, and

– The poverty level plunged at the fastest rate since 1966, to the lowest level since the Census Bureau started collecting the data in 1959.

And since, how have the asinine “climate change,” “renewable energy,” and the war on fossil fuels known as “net-zero-carbon emissions” worked for We the People?

Plus, as Dementia Joe’s hapless masquerading VP, Comrade Kamala supported the U.S.’s return to the 2015 Paris Agreement, which like previous such deals is failing for one simple reason: two of the three largest emitters in the world, China and India, have no intention of harming their economy by reducing fossil fuel energy.

And let us not overlook their insane EV mandate and subsidies, based on the claim they will reduce carbon emissions and save the planet from Armageddon. The facts say otherwise:

When Washington spends hundreds of billions to lure some drivers to use EVs, guess what? It ends up making gasoline cheaper and more available for other consumers around the world to use.

The 2023 data have arrived. Fossil-fuel use, emissions and green energy all have grown right alongside each other, as economics predicted. Global emissions finally broke the 40 gigaton threshold, having doubled since 1984.

But what about 2020? Was that not proof the Giant Trump could be bound?

That election year was a black swan event brought on by the Covid crisis, which itself was manipulated by government agencies so mitigation protocols could control people’s behavior, and most important for the election, frighten them from voting in person. This meant that absentee ballots would proliferate, and in fact double the number used in 2016.

What difference does that make?

Absentee or mail-in ballots are notoriously susceptible to fraud, since the chain of custody from voter to vote-counter is easily interfered with. That’s why large numbers of countries don’t allow them. Consider this tweet on X:

Even after Covid, internationally paper ballots are the overwhelming choice for voting.

Even if Comrade Kamala were to win, We the People must believe Giant Trump will not remain on his back, crisscrossed with ropes, any more than Gulliver did. Giant Trump’s political career has been defined by his relentless willingness to “fight!” Just like after he was shot, he chanted while defiantly pumping an upraised fist, with blood pouring down his face:

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Even a second assassination attempt has changed nothing. Giant Trump will continue to fight the odds, take on the bipartisan guild and their consultants, and ignore and mock the self-proclaimed keepers of the sacred “norms” of our republic—and never say die.

We are experiencing a God thing!

Keep the faith. Trust the Plan.