158 Democrats Vote Against Bill To Remove Illegal Alien Sex Offenders

After years of failed communist/globalist policies, the left has alienated millions of American voters.

This is why they have resorted to turning illegal aliens into Leftist votes by constantly catering to these non-citizens at the expense and neglect of We the People.

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

What 158 House democrats (communists/globalists0 just did appears to confirm this in the most chilling way possible.

The Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act managed to pass the House of Representatives on Wednesday. This bill would deport illegal immigrants who have been convicted of sex crimes. It would also deny entry to the U.S. to illegal aliens who either admit to or have been convicted of domestic violence or sex-related charges.

Every House Republican voted in favor of the bill, as did 51 from the Left side of the aisle. In a shameful twist, however, a whopping 158 communists/globalists voted against the bill, falsely arguing that it was xenophobic.

From Fox News:

‘Here we are again, debating another partisan bill that fear mongers about immigrants, instead of working together to fix the immigration system,’ Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal (C/G-WA) said during debate on the bill.

‘I probably shouldn’t be too surprised. Scapegoating immigrants and attempting to weaponize the crime of domestic violence is appearing to be a time-honored tradition for Republicans.’

No illegal immigrant has any business being in this country. That is why they are referred to as being ILLEGAL!

Therefore, illegal aliens who are also convicted sex offenders should be the first to be thrown out of this country. Despite this logic, communists/globalists are so obsessed with winning over illegal immigrants that 158 of them voted against a bill to deport the worst of the worst from this country.

Hours before the vote, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) sent a brutal but fitting message to Leftists who were attempting to shoot down the bill..

More from Fox News:

‘If you vote against it, you’re sexist against women,’ Mace declared. ‘I mean, truly, because we’re talking about illegals who are here who are committing domestic violence, rape, and murder on women and children—they’ve gotta go. They shouldn’t be allowed into our country.’

Indeed, the Left cannot have it both ways. Either they are a party that is out to protect women’s rights, or they are a party that prioritizes illegal aliens who rape and abuse American women. Both things simply cannot be true at the same time.

At this point, obviously those on the Left will do anything for illegal aliens. They’ve made it easier than ever for illegals to vote. That’s why they want as many illegal aliens as possible in this country, whether they are sex offenders or not.

Ultimately, this is a new low for the entire communist/globalist crime syndicate.