The Party of Treason

The election of 2024 is nearly upon us—first early voting, then mail-in voting, then, if the violence does not preclude it, election-poll voting.

All to be enhanced with ballot box stuffing and creative counting, compliments of the communist/globalist crime syndicate, which is avoiding substantive discussions of policy and is instead making desperate, unconvincing efforts to brand itself as everything from the Party of Joy to the Party of 21st Century Masculinity.

This from

Most importantly, however, We the People know full well the time is nigh to begin branding our opponents as what they truly are:

Democrats are the Party of Treason.

Too harsh? Multiple times a day, every day, Leftist leaders from the top on down—and their mass propaganda media allies—smear Conservatives as threats to democracy, Nazis, extremists, domestic terrorists, American Taliban, deplorables, bitter clingers, white supremacists (non-white conservatives are called race traitors), bigots, racists, Islamophobes, transphobes, haters, book banners, Rethuglicans, and dangerous fascists who “must be stopped.”

What do conservatives call democrats? Liberals and communists/globalists, election cheats, liars, scam artists, and thieves. But now it is time to get real and call a spade a spade, like we truly see them, and what we see them to be is a cabal of criminals hell-bent on destroying our beloved country to make way for a totalitarian, one-party state.

There is a reason Right-wing Patriots stand by the slogan Make America Great Again: Unlike the Left, we love this country, we are not ashamed of it, and we are not trying to subvert it, deconstruct it, or fundamentally transform it into just another authoritarian “People’s Republic.” In other words, we are not treasonous—they are.

But first, treason is a charge thrown around casually and often at one’s political opponents, so let’s examine what the crime actually entails. In fact, it has a very specific Constitutional definition which renders legitimate instances of it quite rare; fewer than 30 people have ever been charged with it in America, the last convictions taking place in the wake of World War II. It was considered by the Founding Fathers to be the most serious of crimes and punishable by death.

At the federal level, treason is defined in Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution as ‘only in levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort’ (most state constitutions include similar definitions of treason). A conviction requires the testimony of two witnesses or a confession in open court.

The democrats (communists/globalists) have repeatedly accused President Trump of committing treason, most notably (and falsely) for conspiring with Russia to influence the 2016 election, then (falsely) for inciting a so-called insurrection on January 6, 2021, ostensibly to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after the communists/globalists stole the election the previous November. Of course, the only collusion with Russia was by the Leftists themselves, and there was no “J6” insurrection on Capitol Hill, only a Deep State-instigated entrapment and chaos involving some unarmed Trump supporters. In addition, Trump not only did not incite anything that day; he actually called for peaceful protest, a fact Leftists insist on ignoring.

Even if Trump were guilty of inciting an insurrection, the crime would not necessarily be treason but sedition, which is conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state. Sedition means organizing or encouraging opposition to government in a manner—such as in speech or writing—that falls short of treason. But as mentioned above, Trump neither organized nor encouraged opposition to the government; he called only for the peaceful protest against the outcome of a fraudulent election.

So, if waging war against the United States or aiding and abetting our enemies is the standard, is the Joe Biden/Kamala Harris Regime (or, perhaps more truthfully if unofficially, the Barack Obama/Susan Rice Regime) guilty of treason?

The [communists/globalists] have not officially declared war against their own country; but then, neither has China nor Iran nor North Korea nor Russia officially declared war on the United States. Yet they are all nevertheless engaged in various kinds of warfare against us, from espionage to disinformation to terrorism—just as the far Left in our own country has engaged in various kinds of ideological warfare (cultural Marxism, Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, etc.) to dissolve America as we know it from within.

As for “adhering to our enemies, giving them aid and comfort”: the democrats (communists/globalists) under Obama and Biden have, in various ways, given aid and comfort to every one of our enemies from states like Iran and China to non-state actors like the Taliban and Hamas. We all know, for example, that the Biden crime family—to name just the Leftists at the top—is in the pocket of the Chinese Communist Regime (for confirmation, check out a pair of damning exposés by author Peter Schweitzer: Red Handed and Blood Money). And Comrade Kamala’s vice-presidential pick Tim Walz’s fraternization with the ChiComs goes beyond merely fostering cultural exchanges. He has reportedly traveled to China more than 30 times, including for his honeymoon. Richard Grenell, Director of National Intelligence during the Trump administration, has observed, “No one is more pro-China than Marxist Walz.”

The communist/globalist crime syndicate’s aid and comfort to America’s enemies extend to domestic ones as well, such as the Marxist revolutionaries of Black Lives Matter and the anarchic shock troops of Antifa. Then there are the violent pro-Hamas, anti-Zionist mobs that have spread from our college campuses into almost every corner of our communities; where are the pushback and denunciations from the Obiden Regime? And despite the fact that these domestic terrorists sometimes denounce Dementia Joe and Comrade Kamala as genocidal supporters of Israel, the Obiden Regime has shown where its loyalty lies by hamstringing our ally Israel in its efforts to finish off Hamas, including pressuring Israel to commit to ceasefires which the savage terrorist organization never honors.

Does all this technically rise, though, to the standard of the Constitutional definition of treason? Why not? Certainly they are violating, if not the letter of the law, then the spirit of the law.

How is the [Leftist] agenda—to undermine national security by erasing our borders, to collapse our capitalist underpinnings by steering our economy toward socialism, to sever Americans from their grand legacy by tearing down our monuments and rewriting our history to cast us as the bad guys, to erode our ability to hold free and fair elections, and to subvert our Constitutional rights (particularly the First and Second Amendments) and erode our freedoms—how is that any less the waging of war against America than, say, China flooding us with fentanyl, or Hezbollah positioning itself to wage terror attacks within our borders?

The Democrat Party (communist/globalist crime syndicate) of today is not merely “liberal.”

It is driven by a totalitarian far Left who see their political opponents not as fellow Americans but as dangerous obstacles to their mission, which is not to make America great again but to establish permanent, one-Party power.

The Democrat Party of today is the Party of Treason.