Leftist Historian Provokes Would-Be Assassins on MSNBC: ‘Doomsday Scenario’ If Trump Wins

Democrats and their allies appear to have no intention of toning down their aggressive rhetoric toward President Donald Trump following two failed assassination attempts.

This from slaynews.com.

Meanwhile, the communist/globalist crime syndicate’s mass propaganda media allies are seemingly all too willing to amplify the type of antagonistic fearmongering about Trump that provokes would-be assassins.

On Monday, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” gave airtime to a Leftist historian who warned viewers that electing Trump in November would trigger a “doomsday scenario.”

Douglas Brinkley warned the show’s viewers, and any radicalized gunmen that might be watching, they need to “wake up” to the “danger” that “radioactive” Trump poses.

Brinkley was asked by co-host Joe Scarborough what was at stake with 45 days left in the election.

Brinkley responded:

American democracy, nothing less.

Donald Trump is a usurper of democracy.


He’s a wrecking ball.

You’ve been talking today rightfully reminding people of January 6 but the hellscape he has developed of dividing our country, we have a chance to unite.

He continued, without explaining:

Kamala Harris is doing an incredible job, momentum is her way.

I think it’s just getting some more young people engaged.

North Carolina is the state.

I know everybody is waiting on Pennsylvania but North Carolina is really interesting that Harris has a chance of winning there.

If you are talking about the danger, the inherent danger of Donald Trump, he’s radioactive.


He wants to come in and gut government because it’s rhetoric that sounds good.

You start trying to get rid of civil service, collapse the federal government, you are going to find a country in disarray.

With the new prerogative the courts gave that presidents are above the law, we are walking into a doomsday scenario if Trump gets in.

People better wake up, take the smelling salts, and pay attention right now.

These next days are going to be fast.


Final thoughts: Soros money must be behind this line of bullshit. People cannot truly be this dense. I’m confident this asshat is being paid to spew these generalities and falsehoods. He may even be undergoing blackmail or one of the other two tools to compromise someone.

God speed to the Trump-Vance team and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.