Nine Things the Left Hates about Trump—And a Thorough Debunking

Recently, Red State published a piece questioning why anyone would vote for Comrade Kamala. In the spirit of fair play, from the same author, Dan Zoernig, comes this article titled Nine Things the Left Hates about Trump—And a Thorough Debunking:

This from

1. He’s Rude, Crude, and Socially Unacceptable.

He is obnoxious, and he is crude. He tells NATO allies to their faces they aren’t writing enough checks and haven’t been for some time. He also tells the Washington Press Corps they are biased, unfair, and a bunch of Democratic Party Throne Sniffers. Anyone who witnessed the last debate is aware this is true. However, Trump is like McDonald’s. You get the same hamburger on the West Coast that you do on the East. No matter where he is, he’s always Trump. He is what he is and makes no apologies. You may not like him much, but at least you have to admit that he’s authentic, and you know where he stands. If you know where he stands, you have the information to cast an informed vote for him or somebody you like better. You don’t have to sift through a mush puddle of political verbiage to pull out what he really thinks.

Contrast that with Hot Sauce Hillary or the Kamala Flipper’s phony accent she reserves for black audiences. These professional politicians tailor their speech and mannerisms to the people they address. They think they are being clever when they do this because they think you’re ignorant.

2. He’s a Racist.

[G]iven his track record of assistance to the black community…look more at what politicians do rather than what they say because people say. Donald Trump has bad-mouthed anyone and everyone he believes done him wrong.

During his presidency, Trump’s economy had knocked black unemployment down from 9.6 percent to less than 7 percent by the time COVID lockdowns began to happen. Real median income grew by 7.9 percent between 2016 and 2019. His First Step Act regarding prison reform had freed thousands of blacks from jail, and he increased federal funding to black colleges and universities by 17 percent (over $100 million in real dollars.) If he is a racist, he’s not really presenting as one.

And [Dementia] Joe has his own sins, so if you don’t like Trump because you think he’s a racist then you have to find a way to square up Diaper Joe’s unpalatable comments about certain groups as well.

3. He’s a Misogynist. 

As above, he could well be. His “grab’em by the……” comment isn’t defensible. But his court case with E. Jean Carroll seems dubious because it was a simple matter of he said she said, and had about as much substance to it as the Kavanaugh accusations. However, he does seem to have a practice of hiring qualified people for jobs in his organization, and many of them have been women. A 2015 article in the Washington Post…does establish the fact that he acknowledges and rewards the abilities and merit of female employees. He says stupid and inartful things about them, but he also says stupid and inartful things about men.

5. He’s Hitler. 

Hideki Tojo prosecuted Japan’s wars against other Asians and Western powers for four years as Prime Minister. He was brutal enough to be tried and convicted as a war criminal and executed in 1948. Benito Mussolini was an absolute dictator who is credited with the founding of Italian facism. He prosecuted wars against Africans in Somalia, Ethiopia and Senegal. He was hated enough to be executed by his own people in 1945. Adolf Hitler prosecuted wars against most of Europe and Russia. His brutality is well known and he’s considered The Great Monster of the 20th century. Rumor has it that even Stalin has to give him his daily sponge baths in Hell.

However, what separates Hitler from these others is the intentional massacre of the Jewish population in Europe. The SS, the Final Solution and Auschwitz are his fingerprints on history. He’s known for little else. Now if you think Trump is Hitler, your knowledge of history comes from Pokemon cards, cereal boxes and Joy Reid. And you should be ashamed of yourself.  [This] is not only false but evil.

If the Progressives are looking for an appropriate wall to stick the dirty sock of HitlerHate on, they don’t need Trump. They’ll find it right in their own circle of friends. See Hamas, see the  #Fromtherivertothesea guys. Calling for the extinction of a people and using violence and coercion to enforce it means there is very little daylight between themselves and the Nazi SS. But for some reason, Progs ignore this. And it speaks more to their low character than anything Trump has done.

6. He’s a Nazi. 

(See above.)

7. He’s an Existential Threat to Our Democracy.

The Left keeps repeating this and has been doing so for quite awhile…the gist is that Trump is so bad, he will bring down the country because he’s just…so…Orange.

[T]his goes beyond hyperbole and maybe they really think he will destroy “our democracy” as we know it. But what is our democracy as we know it? Well, a democracy is rule by simple majority which can lead to the tyranny of the majority as written about by Alexis de Tocqueville in his work “Democracy in America.” 

But, we’re not that. We’re a constitutional republic. This means that we operate on the principle of representative government.

It will be extremely unlikely that one person is going to be able to assume power like some medal-chested strongman in Uganda. Lots of checks and balances to shove out of the way first. However, if you can do something to change the representative part, say import an entirely new population of voters without the consent of the citizenry because you believe they will vote a certain way, well then you kind of have a real live existential threat to the country.

8. He’s a Liar. 

They’re all liars to some degree.  Trump might lie about the size of his rallies or that there is a 75 percent chance your child will go missing on the New York subway if travelling alone, but Joe Biden lying about having zero business dealings…or Kamala lying about no US troops in harms’ way is demonstrably worse.

9. He wants to be a dictator. 

Trump said he “wanted to be a dictator only on day one.” This is analogous to…what [he] would do to fix something in a perfect world. “Day One” is also a reference back to Biden issuing a bunch of executive orders on his first day in office. Presumably…he meant he’d undo a lot of those orders.

On the other hand, if you want to talk optics and dictators, Biden’s infamous speech at Independence Hall…with the Red Glow Background…the silhouetted Marines at attention…and the shrieking about MAGA fascists as he looked to the skies with raised fists….at Nacht…sure looked a lot like:

God speed to the return of Conservatism and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.