A New Poll of New Yorkers Reveals a Surprising Tale: Comrade Kamala Has Lost the Jews

The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) rolled out in September a poll claiming 72% of American Jews backed Comrade Kamala, and that Jewish voters did not care about Israel or antisemitism, only about “abortion,” “climate change,” and the “future of democracy.”

This from frontpagemag.com.

Polls be damned! This poll was ridiculed as having been rigged even by the people who have spent years repeating back the results of similar past polls claiming 70% of Jews voted for Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden.

Exit polls usually don’t register Jewish voters and virtually all polls of Jewish voters are conducted by Democrat and liberal groups. And they’re just as worthless, but they fit people’s preconceptions of the Jewish vote.

And actual polling data of Jews suggests that Comrade Kamala has a Jewish problem.

In August, a Siena college poll of New Yorkers showed that Trump was not only performing surprisingly well in the state, but was narrowly winning the Jewish vote 50% to 49%.

Siena is the only major independent pollster whose election surveys regularly include Jews. While there are many polls out there, Siena surveys Jews among the electorate rather than the vanity 70% push polls of Jews by Democratic strategists for liberal groups like the JDCA.

Rather than sensing danger from her poor

performance among Jews, Kamala doubled down.

The JDCA convened a Jewish Americans for Kamala Harris online rally consisting of anti-Israel activists and hateful figures including Randi Weingarten, the teachers’ union boss who claimed:

American Jews are now part of the ownership class [and] want to take that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it.

Comrade Kamala named Ilan Goldenberg, an anti-Israel activist serving as her Middle East adviser, as her ‘liaison’ to the Jewish community.

NOTE: Goldenberg had previously advocated for a deal in which:

Hamas would retain some of its military capabilities [and argued that] half the root causes are Israeli actions, in terms of—especially just focusing on Gaza, on the blockade. And the other half is Hamas’ choice to use violence and arm itself in response.

Comrade Kamala also named Nasrina Bargzie, her deputy counsel who had ties to anti-Israel and pro-terrorist activism, and had fought Berkeley Jewish students complaining about antisemitism in court, as her Muslim liaison.

She also named Brenda Abdelall, an anti-Israel activist who claimed that Jews control America, as her Arab liaison, and refused to fire her.

Coming off the DNC convention and the debate, Kamala’s numbers are down in New York. And the drop is strongest among New York Jews.

The September poll showed that Trump had increased his narrow lead among New York Jews from 50% to 54%. And Kamala’s support had fallen from 49% to 44%. These might be some of the worst numbers ever for a communist/globalist presidential candidate in New York.

Had Trump made his case with Jewish voters? The September poll showed that his numbers among New York Jews had flipped from a 44% favorable and a 52% unfavorable, to a 52% favorable and a 48% unfavorable. But more distinctly, Kamala has, no doubt, turned Jews off.

Perhaps seeking the moslem vote, she surrounded herself with anti-Israel radicals, or, perhaps, she foolishly chose to believe these radicals represented the Jewish community. Whichever, Comrade Kamala chose to embrace anti-Israel politics to win over Hamas and Hezbollah supporters in Dearborn, Michigan, while occasionally making sympathetic noises about the hostages, outsourcing Jewish outreach to anti-Israel activists like Ilan Goldenberg and widely hated figures like Randi Weingarten with a history of making ugly remarks about Jews. It was her stupidity that allowed her to believe she would still do well with Jewish voters.

The JDCA rigged poll was a transparently desperate attempt at damage control. Its only intended audience is the Comrade Kamala campaign echo chamber looking for evidence that discarding Jewish concerns about Israel and antisemitism is the best way to win over Jewish voters.

As VP, Kamala had taken the lead in criticizing Israel for the Obiden Regime. After the coup implanted her on the throne, she continued to pressure Israel to surrender to Hamas. Reports about her private meetings with the Dearborn mayor who had spoken at a pro-Hamas rally only further alienated the Jewish community.

Her rhetoric about giving Israel ‘what it needs to defend itself’ was rightly seen as a backdoor endorsement for an offensive arms embargo. Her recent boast that ‘one of the things that we’ve done that I’m entirely supportive of is the pause that we put on the 2000-pound bombs’ that Israel needed to fight terrorists confirmed previously suspicions about Kamala’s backing for an incremental arms embargo.

But above all else as the Jewish community faces record rates of antisemitism, especially at colleges, Kamala failed to condemn campus antisemitic riots and harassment, and continued praising the perpetrators, describing them as “showing exactly what the human emotion should be.”

And American Jews have been paying attention.

Final thoughts: Comrade Kamala’s open anti-Israel policies and rhetoric and her refusal to stand up to antisemitism from her base has rightfully alienated many Jews.