NYC Democrat Mayor Eric Adams Indicted on Federal Criminal Charges

New York City’s communist/globalist Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted on federal criminal charges following corruption investigations into his office.

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Adams was indicted on federal criminal charges by a Manhattan grand jury, however, the details of the indictment remain under seal.

Reports have suggested the indictment could be unsealed as early as tomorrow.

The FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) have so far refused to comment on the matter.

It is unclear who Adams has retained as his personal attorney.

In a statement obtained by The Associated Press, Adams said:

I always knew that if I stood my ground for New Yorkers that I would be a target—and a target I became.

If I am charged, I am innocent, and I will fight this with every ounce of my strength and spirit.

Several people have already been raided in the orbit of the 63-year-old former NYPD captain.

Multiple top officials have also stepped down from Adams’ administration amid the investigations.

In February, FBI agents raided the home of Winnie Greco, one of his top aides, in the Bronx.

In November, feds swarmed the property of another aide, Cenk Ocal, a former Turkish airlines executive who joined the mayor’s transition team.

That same month, they visited Brianna Suggs, the mayor’s chief fundraiser.

According to the New York Times:

Rana Abbasova, another close aide, reportedly flipped on the mayor in May after scrutiny over his dealings with Turkish Airlines.

New York State lawmakers have issued statements that they agree this move is the best course of action for the city moving forward.

New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar said:

The mayor and his administration appear to be riddled with corruption, and the public has lost all confidence in their ability to move the five boroughs forward.

Mr. Adams should do what’s best for this city and step aside so that a new election can be held.

His situation is untenable.

New York Congressman Nick Langworthy said:

Another NY Democrat clouded in scandal.

Time and again, they have proved they only care about their personal power and scoring political points, not what’s best for New York’s taxpayers.

“It’s time for people to send a message that they aren’t going to take it anymore.

The FBI has reportedly been looking into whether Adams’ 2021 mayoral campaign conspired with the Turkish government and other entities to raise funds.

Investigators recently expanded their investigations to five foreign nations, including Communist China.


Mayor Adams has fired back. He is accusing the Biden-Harris Regime of targeting him with a federal investigation because he has been speaking out against the federal government’s open border agenda.

The mayor claims he has been “defending” New Yorkers from the flood of illegal aliens that have landed in his “sanctuary” city after illegally crossing the open Southern Border.

The indictment was unsealed on Thursday. Mayor Adams has been charged with taking bribes and illegal campaign contributions from foreign nationals.

According to the indictment, Adams “solicited and demanded” bribes, including free and heavily discounted luxury travel benefits from a Turkish official.

Adams is the first of New York City’s 110 mayors to be criminally charged while in office.

In a news conference held shortly after the indictment was unsealed, Adams asked people “to wait to hear our defense before making any judgments.”

He said:

My day-to-day will not change.

I will continue to do the job for 8.3 million New Yorkers that I was elected to do.

And the 300,000-plus employees of our city’s government will continue to do their jobs because this is what we do as New Yorkers.

This is an unfortunate day, and it’s a painful day.

But inside all of that is a day when we will finally reveal why, for 10 months, I’ve gone through this.

And I look forward to defending myself.

Damian Williams, the US attorney for Manhattan, said at a news conference:

Adams had a duty to disclose the gifts he received.

However, year after year kept the public in the dark.

Adams faces a total of five criminal charges, including conspiracy, wire fraud, and bribery.

The 57-page indictment from the US attorney’s office alleges there was a scheme dating back to 2014 where a Turkish official helped underwrite Adams’s mayoral campaign.

In return, prosecutors alleged the New York mayor would pressure officials to waive safety inspections and allow the Turkish government’s 36-story consulate to open in Manhattan.

Prosecutors allege that Adams “not only accepted but sought illegal campaign contributions” to his mayoral campaign.

The indictment states:

A senior Turkish official also facilitated many straw donations to the mayor.


The same official also allegedly arranged free or discounted travel on Turkey’s national airline to destinations including France, China, Sri Lanka, India, Hungary, and Turkey for Adams and his companions.