Iran’s Plan to Stop Trump and Elect Kamala—Irangate Is Real and Has Roots in the White House

The Islamic Republic of Iran is out to win. And it defines winning as Trump’s political defeat or death.

This from

In the last two months, while attempting to place its stamp of approval on the U.S. presidential election, Iran has:

– set up fake news sites to defame Trump and promote [Comrade] Kamala,

– hacked the Trump campaign and tried to pass stolen documents to the Harris-Walz campaign and its media allies, and

– plotted to assassinate President Trump and his officials.

However, with the colluding mass propaganda media running top cover, these definite statements of Iran’s intentions have been dismissed with generic Russiagate buzzwords that describe the Islamic terrorist state as being out to “destabilize and sow chaos.”

NOTE: When Iran hacked the Trump campaign, We the People were told it was to “sow chaos” and now that Trump has been briefed on the assassination threats, once again this been described as a plot to “destabilize and sow chaos” in the United States.

But if Iran is out to merely “sow chaos” then why is it not trying to assassinate Biden or Kamala?

Iran isn’t trying to ‘sow chaos’ which is a meaningless buzzword the intel community seem to have come up with to project its own nation building paradigm abroad onto American politics.

Oddly enough, the revelation that Iran is trying to stop Trump and elect Kamala has been ignored by the White House and the intel community except a reluctant briefing and some boilerplate prose about sowing chaos as if there is no motive or agenda to these activities. America’s leading middle eastern enemy actively interfering in a presidential election ought to be bigger news than it is.

Afterall, the Clinton campaign spun Russia’s awkward efforts to recruit black nationalists into backing its Syria agenda after the election into the great Russiagate hoax complete with:

– British ex-secret agents,

– micturating hookers in Moscow hotel rooms,

– secret bank internet connections, and

– a multi-year investigation fronted by a senile former FBI boss.

Of greatest importance here, the ‘Irangate’ roots run directly through Dementia Joe, to include his betrayal of Americans by fighting against terror victims suing Islamic terrorists.

And the Biden-Iran legacy runs deeper still:

– After being part of an administration that provided Iran with the massive sanction relief and clearance that enabled it to build a massive missile arsenal and nuclear program, Biden left office and misappropriated classified documents involving Iran that he took home with him,

– Biden stayed loyal to the Iran Lobby and it to him. Iranian hackers with the IRGC tried to interfere in the 2020 presidential election to stop Trump and aid Biden,

– In the 2020 election, Jamal Abdi, the executive director of National Iranian American Council (NIAC) Action, often described as the Iran Lobby, was exposed as one of Biden’s biggest bundlers, and NIAC claimed its members had run phone banks and donated $385,000 to him,

– NIAC Action had endorsed Biden and celebrated the election outcome by declaring that, ‘our long, national nightmare is almost over. AP has called the race for Joe Biden,’ and

– Iran’s president cheered Biden’s election win by expressing the hope that ‘the next American administration will surrender to the Iranian nation.’

The Islamic terror state leader was not to be disappointed. The Obiden-Harris Regime:

– offered billions in sanctions relief to Iran while attempting to restore the failed nuclear deal with the terror state,

– dropped support for the Saudi campaign against the Houthis in Yemen which allowed the Iran-backed terrorists to arm up and terrorize shipping in the Red Sea leading to 9 months of fighting in what has been described as the “most intense combat since World War II” for the U.S. Navy,

– was filled with Iranian sympathizers and lobby figures, including Rob Malley, Biden’s envoy to Iran, under FBI investigation for mishandling classified information, whose actions were illegally covered up by State Department figures, and

even brought in Ariane Tabatabai, an Iranian immigrant who had worked with the Iranian government to advise it and spread its propaganda, before working with Malley on the Iran negotiations, to act as a senior adviser to the Office of the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control, exactly where Tehran would have wanted her, before making her a Pentagon Chief of Staff.

Further, the Obiden-Harris Regime gave Iran everything it wanted from endless sanctions relief to a hostage trade that not only freed Iranian agents but allowed them to remain and continue their activities inside the United States.

This year The Regime was still at it, warning the British and French not to censure Iran at a vote in the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency despite its nuclear violations

And when the chopper carrying Iran’s previous president crashed, The Regime sent its condolences and Deputy UN Ambassador Robert Wood stood for a moment of silence in the memory of the leader of a regime that had recently been responsible for killing U.S. soldiers.

Recently too The Regime not only allowed sanctioned Iranian figures into the country but warned journalists away from filming outside the hotel where the Iranian delegation was staying. What did their cameras catch? The former head of NIAC, the Iran Lobby group linked to the Biden-Harris Regime, entering the hotel.

In closing, there is no shortage of materials for a theory of ‘Irangate.’

The [Obiden-Harris Regime] has been even better for Iran that the previous low-water marks set by Carter and Obama.

Is it any wonder that when Iran hacked the Trump campaign, it sent the materials to Harris-Walz staffers who did not report it to the FBI?

Final thought: Iran’s campaign endorsement for Comrade Kamala and Tiananmen Time is a very strong endorsement for President Trump, indeed.