Commentary for a Sunday: Hillary Clinton—Still Fascist After All These Years—Speaks about Control of Social Media

One of the things that Elon Musk warned about at President Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, was the danger that the democrats (communists/globalists) posed to free speech and how important it was to vote for Trump to preserve our Constitutional rights.

This from

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton let the cat out of the bag during an interview with CNN on Saturday—she spoke about the need to control social media. She said it should be “at the top” of every legislative agenda.

…moderate and monitor the content

[or] we lose total control…

We should be, in my view, repealing something called section 230, which gave platforms on the internet immunity because they were thought to be just pass-throughs, that they shouldn’t be judged for the content that is posted. But we now know that that was an overly simple view. Whether it’s Facebook or Twitter or X or Instagram or TikTok, whatever they are, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total control and it’s not just the social and psychological effects, it’s real harm.

“We lose total control.” That’s the real problem to them right there, that’s why democrats (communists/globalists) are so upset.

But this is the point of the First Amendment: The government is not supposed to be in “control” of the speech of the people.

Fascistic much, Hillary? 

People can now see and hear the truth without having it filtered through liberal media organs. We can now know when the media is lying to us. This is freedom of thought, and we do not have to agree with the liberal media narrative that is being pushed at us constantly.

We can now see reality. When we see reality, we can see what the Democrats really are about. And it should frighten all of us.

The current democrat (communist/globalist) candidates for president and VP have shown they have the same kinds of thoughts as Hillary Clinton.

Tim Walz—a former member of Congress and now the governor of a state—revealed he has no idea what the First Amendment is about during the vice presidential debate with Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH):

He thinks “hate speech” or misinformation is forbidden—wrong on both. He thinks “you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater.” Joe Biden keeps saying this too and they’re both wrong.

Below is what Red State has previously written on that:

This is what the government politicians say, right before they are about to impinge on your rights. The phrase about yelling fire in a crowded theater is often used by people trying to curb speech without really understanding the context in which it was used. It was in non-binding dicta in a case that was then later overturned so it was never a binding thought on anything. So when people use it, it reveals they’re not aware of the law.

From The Atlantic:

As Rottman wrote, for this reason, it’s ‘worse than useless in defining the boundaries of constitutional speech. When used metaphorically, it can be deployed against any unpopular speech.’ Worse, its advocates are tacitly endorsing one of the broadest censorship decisions ever brought down by the Court. It is quite simply, as Ken White calls it, ‘the most famous and pervasive lazy cheat in American dialogue about free speech.’

The First Amendment was specifically created to protect incendiary speech, speech people may not have liked or might find wrong. That’s the very purpose of the Amendment.

Here’s George Washington law professor Jonathan Turley talking about how these are dangerous times for free speech with these thoughts.

Governor Walz has been out there saying that misinformation and hate speech are not protected under the Constitution. And there’s a crushing irony there. I mean, in calling for the censorship of other citizens accused of disinformation, the governor is spreading disinformation. He’s been told repeatedly by many of us that he’s wrong, that that’s just completely and demonstrably wrong. The Constitution does protect those forms of speech.

That’s also incredibly ironic for someone like Clinton as well, who was a purveyor of misinformation.

Turley also called out Hillary Clinton for pushing censorship.

But this disturbing CNN comment on Saturday from Hillary Clinton is actually a good sign, on a couple of levels.

She is revealing where they want to go, so we can fight it. And she is doing it because it means they know they are losing control. And that is why we must defeat them:

God speed to Conservatism and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.