Cancer Patients Report Miraculous Recoveries from Ivermectin Treatment

Cancer patients have been leaving doctors stunned after making miraculous recoveries from taking ivermectin.

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Renowned oncologist, radiologist, and immunologist Dr. William Makis has revealed that one patient made an amazing recovery from stage 4 prostate cancer.

The patient claimed to have been secretly taking ivermectin along with other treatments and left doctors stunned by recovering “quite quickly.”

The patient told Dr. Makis he followed his protocol for ivermectin without telling his own doctor.

As a result, the patient saw his PSA scores fall to remission levels “quite quickly” after taking ivermectin.

Doctors were shocked to see “how quickly” the patient recovered with “no problem/side effects at all.”

The patient told Dr. Makis he has been “battling a very aggressive stage 4 prostate cancer.”

The patient told Dr. Makis:

I combined your protocol for ivermectin along with the chemo treatments.

We reached our goal of bringing my PSA score down to 0.02 quite quickly.

Doctors were surprised at how quickly this happened.

They do not know that I was taking ivermectin.

The patient explained:

I have been taking 72 mg of ivermectin for the past 6 months along with chemotherapy treatments with no problems/side effects at all.

I now think I need to go into maintenance mode.

The news comes as other leading oncology experts are coming forward with similar stories of miraculous recoveries after ivermectin treatments.

As Slay News previously reported:

[R]enowned surgical oncologist Dr. Kathleen Ruddy has seen several late-stage cancer patients make dramatic recoveries after taking ivermectin.

Ruddy told the story of one patient who had reached the end of the road after cancer treatments could not do anything more to help him.

However, something remarkable happened.

This man had stage four prostate cancer and tried all the conventional protocols before doctors told him that there was nothing they could do.

Then, he started taking ivermectin.

Within six months, the metastatic lesions began to disappear.

According to Dr. Ruddy:

In under a year, he was out dancing for four hours three nights per week.

Dr. Ruddy revealed:

A similar scenario unfolded for another patient named Eddie.

He was also in bad shape.

Eddie was diagnosed with two unresectable esophageal tumors that surgeons would not go near.

He was a smoker, could not swallow, and had lost 40 pounds in a year and a half.

Dr. Ruddy reported:

Within a couple of weeks, he sounded stronger. He could swallow.

He had gained six pounds. His voice was better.

Several weeks later, Dr. Ruddy said to Eddie:

You need to get a scan.

Dr. Ruddy said with astonishment:

We got the scan. No tumors. Gone. Gone.

The problem was that he had sold his fishing boat.

That was the biggest problem. He was getting better. His tumor was gone.

Ruddy said several other patients have also been treated with ivermectin and they all made miraculous recoveries.

It was at this point that Ruddy said she needed to raise the alert about the success of the drug.

Dr. Ruddy said:

I was as astonished as anyone might be that ivermectin has potential as an anti-cancer agent.

She noted that the probability of the patients recovering coincidentally while taking ivermectin was “zero”.

She explained:

It’s like winning the lottery on the first three tickets you ever buy.


Meanwhile, a recent study found that ivermectin can successfully treat several different forms of cancer.

As Slay News reported:

[T]he major study confirmed ivermectin is successful in treating multiple cancers after testing its use against 28 types of the disease.

The researchers sought to identify the effectiveness of using ivermectin as a cancer treatment.

The study found that ivermectin was successful in treating all of the cancers it was tested against.

While some cancers were more resistant to ivermectin than others, the drug still proved at least useful and also helped to improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

The most sensitive cancer cell lines were:

  1. Ovarian
  2. Breast
  3. Glioblastoma
  4. Lung Cancer
  5. Colon Cancer
  6. Uterine SCC
  7. hepatocellular
  8. breast TNBC
  9. Pancreatic
  10. Endometrial

The least sensitive were:

  1. osteosarcoma
  2. gastric
  3. melanoma

Ivermectin was found to be useful in treating both lymphomas and leukemias.

Doctors and scientists are continuing to stun the scientific community as the “wonder drug” is now being used to treat a growing list of various ailments in humans.

As Slay News recently reported:

[I]vermectin has been proven as a treatment for cancer, Parkinson’s, Covid mRNA “vaccine” damage, epilepsy, and many other diseases.

According to one study of many, ivermectin can be used to treat:

  • cancer
  • myiasis
  • trichinosis
  • malaria
  • leishmaniasis
  • American trypanosomiasis
  • schistosomiasis
  • bedbugs
  • rosacea
  • asthma
  • epilepsy
  • neurological diseases
  • HIV
  • tuberculosis
  • Buruli ulcer