Commentary: Neocons and the Mass Propaganda Media—Will the United States Survive War?

The mass propaganda media is bought and paid for, hence not interested in helping to save our beloved country.

Generally speaking, media types lack any understanding that what they are doing is destroying our American way of life—and many likely know, but prefer our destruction.

This in part from

They have sowed so much hatred and polarized the country, dividing the population [so] that there is nothing that will be salvageable. They have crossed the red line.

NOTE: The American Neocons have always wanted war—such is their money maker—and they have seized control of the democrat crime syndicate, which is why the Republican Neocons are coming out for Kamala—including Dick Cheney.

A computer is on track for projecting World War III in 2025. Trump and RFK Jr. are anti-war, so the Neocons are doing everything possible to keep them out of office.

To wit:

– All the lawsuits against Trump,

– The attempt to keep him off the ballots and the 14th Amendment farse,

– [T]he staged January 6th riot to block any challenge to state votes,

– [T]hey prevented RFK from even being on the Democratic ticket,

– We have seen two attempted assassinations of Trump,

– [An] opened border to flood the country just to retain power, and

– [T]he Biden DOJ is suing states for removing illegal aliens from voting.

But so much for the 2024 election, IT WILL BE THE LAST. And no one will accept the outcome, which certainly seems to be rigged from the outset.

NOTE: Biden was never going to be the candidate. The debate was to show the world he was incompetent. CNN was in on the scam. For the first time in history, We the People now have someone who the people never elected for anything. Comrade Kamala is another puppet and will sign whatever the Neocons put in front of her. Kamala is the Neocon’s choice.

The computer prediction is that the WAR the Neocons want will be lost by America, and the financial capital of the world will move once again, just as WWI took it from Britain and handed it to New York. This WWIII will take it from New York and hand it to Beijing. The United States will break up into regions because the media has sown such political hatred between the LEFT and the RIGHT that there is no “unity” to maintain the United States as a confederation.

Again, Neocons have always wanted war, yet they have lost all but two—the first and second Gulf Wars—since World War II. Nobody in Washington will stop them because too many people line their pockets with war bucks.

Neocons should be dragged out of Washington and put on trial for their usurpation of our government.

The Neocon Republicans have no problem sending Americans to their death for their personal hatreds and vendettas.

The fact that they are coming out and claiming to be Republicans for Harris confirms this election is really all about World War III.

Former U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger via X wrote:

There is nothing ‘conservative’ about Donald Trump. Conservatives believe in the Constitution, not a ‘man’s’ ego. Endorsing American democracy and the future today and leaving the past in the dust. I’m endorsing @KamalaHarris.

And Adam Kinzinger is the guy who claimed we can destroy Russia and conquer that country in just 3 days.

[He] was thrown out of the House by voters because he is a vile Neocon who belongs in prison under the hate crimes laws.

As long as the West continues to allow the Neocons to control this war, there will be no stopping World War III.

These people have spent their entire lives hating Russians for particularly personal reasons.

In 2011 at the World Economic Conference in Philadelphia, We the People were warned the war cycle would turn up in 2014. In 2013, a blog was offered warning that the computer had targeted Ukraine as where it would begin.

– The Neocons directed Zelensky to invade Russia, diverting troops from defending his own country to destroying Russia so NATO will invade a weakened Russia,

– Zelensky’s Victory Plan [was] using long-range missiles to destroy Russia, claiming he [would] force them to negotiate, [but]

– Putin announced there will not be any peace negotiations—after Zelensky [said] he will destroy Russia—until they are forced to yield to peace.

They had a peace deal ready to be signed, and the Neocons sent Boris Johnson to rush to Ukraine to stop Zelensky from signing any peace deal. They think We the People are stupid and will never connect the dots.

This has NEVER been about anything but the destruction of Russia.

Recall, President Eisenhower warned we should be mindful of the Military Industrial Complex.

Everything he warned about has unfolded.

Eisenhower warned what was unfolding, and the money was far too great in the Washington lobby circuit ever to stop this ultimate destruction of our nation.

Because the Neocons own Congress, we do not stand a chance of avoiding war.

Eisenhower saw the outcome and was trying to warn us, but the money blinds the vision of our Constitution.

Over two-thirds of our national debt is due to wars created by the Neocons. We are still paying interest on World War II debt.

There will always be a Left that portrays themselves as the victims of the RIGHT, and for the foreseeable future there will be Neocons adamantly opposing President Trump and his MAGA movement.

The polarization is so great, and the mass propaganda media is so compromised there is likely no possible way the United States can survive as a “united” government.