Child Mutilation Surgeries Are Happening—The Transgenderism Cult Goes After Kids Mainly for the Money

Gender transition is not real. A male cannot become a female or vice versa.

The actual psychological condition—gender identity disorder—is exceedingly rare and generally manifests in young boys.

This from

Gender dysphoria, or transgenderism, is a cultural hysteria and social contagion.

Even by broadening the diagnosis from gender identity disorder to transgenderism, the discussion is still about a minuscule percentage of the population.

To wit:

– The propaganda promoting this cult-like doctrine and ideology has been specifically targeted toward children, and

– Activists are particularly upset when lawmakers and/or parents object to them indoctrinating kids as young as kindergarten into this warped ideology.

Oddly enough, many of the American medical institutions are behind this push as well.

After all, the more gender-confused kids there are, the bigger their business grows for transgender hormone treatments and gender mutilation surgeries.

The Obiden-Harris Regime has long been claiming gender surgeries are not being performed on young people. Yet more and more de-transitioners are coming out to share their stories. And even more concrete than anecdotes is the actual data.

The Daily Signal reported:

According to the findings of watchdog group Do No Harm, Nearly 14,000 American children underwent sex-change interventions of some type between 2019 and 2023.

Furthermore, Do No Harm tracked down these medical “interventions” via insurance data, which means the numbers are likely undercounted—hospitals and clinics are known to hide these medical interventions under other insurance codes.

What The Regime has claimed “hasn’t been happening” has been happening, and “it is occurring more and more often.” Just like Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Texas Children’s Hospital:

[H]ospitals across the country have been

cashing in on the golden goose of gender confusion.

There are 225 hospitals that provide gender mutilation surgeries, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones to children.

According to the Signal:

Almost 6,000 children have undergone transgender surgeries, while 8,579 have been given hormones and puberty blockers.

Furthermore, Do No Harm found:

[A]t least $119,791,202 made from sex change treatments performed on minors.

Money is clearly at the heart of this cultish malpractice.

Do No Harm also listed the top 12 worst offending hospitals. The worst is Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, also known as CHOP, which is a bit too on-brand, considering it’s the leader in chopping up healthy children for the sake of a faulty ideology.

The Signal noted:

The hospital has treated 122 child sex-change patients. Five children are transgender surgery patients, 117 are on hormone-replacement regimens and puberty blockers.

It has written 768 ‘gender-affirming care’ prescriptions, totaling $230,784 in submitted charges.

The pipeline these hospitals put vulnerable children through is absolutely sickening:

– They are happy to support whatever makes them globs of money, and

– The activists are happy to do the groundwork for their ideology to be justified.

According to National Review:

More than 3 percent of American high-school students now identify as transgender while just over 2 percent are questioning their gender, according to the first ever CDC survey on teen gender identification.

The share of high-school students who identify as transgender (3.3 percent) is up 1.9 percent from 2022, according to a report by the Williams Institute, an LGBT research nonprofit in California.

The Left’s lie that “It’s not happening,” has been debunked. Now comes the inevitable second lie: “It’s good that it’s happening.”

Final thought: I anticipate the Nuremberg II trials to follow President Trump’s reelection, but not soon enough will this evil end.