Opinion: Internal Polling Denoted Comrade Kamala Has Red-Lined, Calls for Her Removal Are Imminent

Journalist Mark Halperin said Wednesday he has seen ‘private polling’—most likely meaning internal campaign polling—and that Comrade Kamal is “in trouble” in most of the swing states.

This from thegatewaypundit.com.

According to Halperin:

Harris is in danger of losing six out of seven swing states, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

He thinks she might have a shot at winning Nevada.

Take all of this with a grain of salt but remember that Mark Halperin was one of the very first journalists to claim with some certainty that Joe Biden was going to drop out of the race.


For you Harris people on here complaining that we’re talking about problems in the Harris campaign, you’re welcome to put your head in the sand about it. If you want to go watch MSNBC primetime and hear how great things are going for the Harris campaign, you’re welcome to do that. But if you want to understand what’s actually happening, we’re here to tell you, I just saw some new private polling today.

That’s very robust private polling. She’s in a lot of trouble. Here’s how I framed it this morning in my newsletter. The conversation I’m having with Trump people and Democrats with data are extremely bullish on Trump’s chances in the last 48 hours, extremely bullish. You think of the seven battleground states, which ones is Harris in danger of losing? I would say Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, North Carolina, and Georgia. I’m not saying she’ll lose all six, but she’s in danger.

The only one that the Democrats say she’s not in danger of losing is the one I never say the name of because I can’t pronounce it, but it’s where Las Vegas is. You guys agree with me. She could lose any of those six.

I mean, she could lose all seven, but Democrats will tell you they’re worried about those six. They’re less worried about the seven. I don’t know any Trump person who says they’re worried about losing any of the seven.

All of this has shades of 2016. Like then, Trump again has multiple paths to 270 Electoral College votes. Harris has a very narrow path, just like Hillary did.

Final thought: Rumblings of discontent voiced by the “experts” abound. The consensus seems to be that Comrade Kamala will be given the heave ho. This may or may not follow Dementia Joe’s departure from the scene. Although, if afterward, Kamala may be given a backroom cabal appointment to an honorary dropping of the word ‘Vice’ from her current title.

Shortly thereafter, however, a health issue or some other rationale may be concocted to pull her from the ticket. Note the way she is being pushed out into public settings without sufficient preparation—rather than her being hidden or given the answers to all the questions—and her obvious gaffes, leads some to believe she is being set up to fail just like Dementia Joe and his debate performance.

The next question would be, ‘What about Tiananmen Tim?’ He has been a drag on the ticket from day one. So, he may also be given the heave ho.

I’ve said before I believe Trump will run unopposed. And I still do. But I don’t know if we then will face war or a challenge to Trump’s reelection and a communist/globalist demand for a re-do, or a refusal to confirm Trump.

This is indeed an exciting time to be alive and living in America.

God speed to the return of Conservatism and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.