WOMP! University of Kansas Professor Who Said Men Should Be Shot If They Don’t Vote for Kamala ‘RESIGNS’

Recently, We the People heard about the University of Kansas professor who went viral for all the wrong reasons.

That professor said men who will not vote for Kamala Harris (or any woman candidate) should be lined up and shot.

This from twitchy.com.

After the video started making the rounds on social media, the University of Kansas issued a statement indicating they were investigating the incident.

Dr. Roger Marshall, Kansas Senator, has reported the professor is no longer employed by the university:

A University of Kansas lecturer who suggested men who refuse to vote for a woman president solely because she is a woman should be shot resigned Friday after a video of his comments went viral, inciting widespread backlash.

Barbara Bichelmeyer, KU provost and executive vice chancellor, announced Friday in a statement that the lecturer, Phillip Lowcock, ‘left the university.’

The announcement came two days after a conservative pundit posted a video to the social media platform X, formerly Twitter, that showed Lowcock addressing a classroom of students and making what the university dubbed an ‘inappropriate reference to violence.’

He FA’d and now he is FO’d

He probably will. He’s the rule and not the exception in academia, sadly.

He did not count on this backlash.

A fair question.

Yes. It was the right thing.

Any other person would’ve been let go.

The U of Kansas account has not posted an update yet.

We all know that was bull because there are a million ways to advocate for ‘women’s rights and equality’ that don’t involve mass murder.

There is a lesson here. Perhaps this professor will figure out what it is and consider change.

Fat chance, though, without extensive counseling.

Afterall, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder.