‘Bought And Paid For’: Teamsters President Slams the Democrats (Communist/Globalist Crime Syndicate)

Sean M. O’Brien, General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, stated he feels let down and emphasized that a significant portion of the union’s members are reconsidering their support for the democrat (communist/globalist) party.

This from msn.com.

O’Brien said:

I’m getting attacked from the left you know and since I’ve been in office over two and a half years we’ve given the Democratic machine $15.7 million.

He added:

We’ve given Republicans about $340,000 truth be told, so it’s like you know people say the Democratic party is the party of working people, but they’re actually bought and paid for by big tech.

Further, preventing an opportunity for the Teamsters:

Republicans are seeking to be viewed

as the party of the working class.


It’s funny you know, before you always had Democrats fighting for working people and now we kind of see a switch where working people feel like they’ve been left behind by the Democratic Party and the Republicans say they want to be the party to represent the working class.

They have an opportunity to do it but you know I think we’ve got a huge opportunity to organize. We’ve been exposing them and we’ve been fighting. And you know our biggest our biggest opponent right now is Amazon and we’re gonna crush them.

The Teamsters union, which has not endorsed a Republican since 1988, chose not to endorse either Donald Trump or Comrade Kamala for the upcoming election.

The union has experienced significant internal membership divisions and a lack of strong support for either candidate.

A union statement stated:

Joe Biden won the support of Teamsters voting in straw polls at local unions between April and July prior to his exit from the race.

Recent polling showed that 60% of their members preferred Trump over Comrade Kamala.

The statement added:

But in independent electronic and phone polling from July-September, a majority of voting members twice selected Trump for a possible Teamsters endorsement over Harris.

The union’s extensive member polling showed no majority support for Vice President Harris and no universal support among the membership for President Trump.

Teamsters stated:

After reviewing six months of nationwide member polling and wrapping up nearly a year of rank-and-file roundtable interviews with all major candidates for the presidency, the union was left with few commitments on top Teamsters issues from either former President Donald Trump or Vice President Kamala Harris—and found no definitive support among members for either party’s nominee.

Final thoughts: Teamsters can read handwriting on walls. They know job security will require a vote for President Trump.