Germany’s AfD Warns: Europe’s Future Under Islam—’First Synagogues Will Burn, Then Churches, and Everyone Who Does Not Submit’ (Video)

In a powerful speech delivered by Beatrix von Storch, representing the Alternative for Germany (AfD) parliamentary group in the Bundestag, she condemned the rise of Islamic terror in Europe and the failure of Western governments to confront the threat.

Storch warned Europe by highlighting the massacre of Jews as a grim preview of the continent’s future under Islamic control:

October 7 is a sign of what awaits us

when Islam takes power in Western Europe.

The AfD—often falsely labeled as Nazis by the left—is, in fact, Germany’s only conservative party and the fiercest defender of Jews.

They are also the country’s only pro-Israel party, standing firmly against anti-Semitism. Storch began her speech by stating:

Islamist terrorists carried out the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust [taking over 200 hostages in the process].

She criticized prominent Western figures and institutions for their complacency, claiming:

[A]ll their icons, from Greta Thunberg to Judith Butler, saw ‘resistance’ movements in Hamas and Hezbollah.

Storch went further to address the cultural and academic spheres in Germany, accusing universities and their leaders of harboring antisemitic sentiments.

She stated:

[W]woke presidents of German universities share antisemitic tweets and find genocide

against the Jews compatible with university rules.

Her criticism also extended to high-ranking government officials like Minister of Economy Robert Habeck, accusing them of prioritizing attacks on the AfD rather than addressing the ongoing Islamist threat.

One of the most striking aspects of her speech was her condemnation of the West’s immigration policies, which she directly linked to the growing threats to Jewish communities and broader European societies.

Citing a significant rise in antisemitic attacks across Europe, she declared:

Europe is burning, ladies and gentlemen. And you all have lit the fire here with your immigration policy, [including a] 400% increase in Belgium.

She noted the exodus of Jews from Western nations, with “30,000 Jews from the West migrating to Israel,” emphasizing that even under rocket fire, they feel safer in Israel than in Europe.

Storch also dismantled what she referred to as the “life lies” of the political establishment, rejecting the notion that Islamic terror stems solely from the Middle East conflict or the plight of the Palestinians.

Pointing to historical examples of violence far removed from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, such as the massacre of Christians in Nigeria in 1923, Storch argued:

 Islamists don’t need a reason to murder infidels.

Storch painted a grim picture of a future where synagogues and churches burn, and anyone who does not submit to Islamic rule is persecuted.

Calling out Germany’s political elites for their submission to Islamic forces, she declared:

First the synagogues will burn, then the churches… then the kippah-wearers will be beaten up, and in the end everyone who does not submit.

Von Storch’s speech ended on an uncompromising note, distinguishing the AfD from the left-wing ruling establishment:

We will defend synagogues and churches.

We will never submit.

Her speech encapsulated the party’s stance against the dangerous consequences of unchecked immigration and Islamic influence, further solidifying the AfD’s position as the conservative force resisting Germany’s radical communist and Islamic political and cultural shift.