Know History or Repeat It: Communist Cannibals—The Horrors of China’s Cultural Revolution Are an Urgent Warning

It was 1967. America was two years away from landing on the moon and Chinese Communists were eating people. The Communists had not turned cannibal because of hunger, rather politics.

This from

Mao’s Cultural Revolution Failure 1966-1976

Mao’s cultural revolution had already led to brutal lynchings of teachers and principals by the Red Guards unleashed by the Communist regime to purge all ideological deviation, but beating political opponents to death was not enough for the radical mobs in the Guangxi region.

By the end of the cultural revolution,

as many as 20,000 Communists had eaten human flesh.

While the four hundred people cannibalized were a relatively small number compared to the estimated three million killed in the cultural revolution, and the 100,000 or so killed for ideological reasons without being eaten by Communists in the Guangxi region, they serve as a reminder of the depths of horror and evil to which the Communist movement had descended…

And to which it may end up returning once again.

Cannibalism was only one of the atrocities of the cultural revolution which included:

[B]eheading, beating, live burial, stoning, drowning, boiling, group slaughters, disemboweling, digging out hearts, livers, genitals, slicing off flesh, blowing up with dynamite and more.

Communist officials organized cannibal orgies as a test of political loyalty. Friends, associates, and close family members had to eat the flesh of dissidents to prove their ideological allegiance.

The orgies soon gave way to an evil of commonality best described in one of the passages in Zheng Yi’s definitive book Scarlet Memorial about the culture war cannibalism:

Strolling down the street, the director of the local Bureau of Commerce carried a human leg on his shoulder, which he was taking home to boil and consume. On the leg there still hung a piece of a man’s trouser.

The killings began with the victims—whether they were doctors, teachers or peasants, men and women who had once had money, visited foreign countries or stood in the way of Mao’s agenda—paraded up and down the streets, berated and humiliated, and then beaten to death by waiting mobs. But eventually just beating them to death was not enough.

Like their originators in the French Revolution, the Communist found new cruelties. They killed parents in front of children. They buried their victims alive. They mutilated them. And ate them.

What began as mob violence where Red Guard students:

[K]illed their principals in the school courtyard and then cooked and ate the bodies to celebrate a triumph over ‘counterrevolutionaries’ became formalized as government cafeterias displayed bodies dangling on meat hooks and served human flesh to employees.

Instead of just killing them, the bodies of the dead:

[W]ere stripped of flesh, which was taken back to the front of the brigade office to be boiled in two big pots. Twenty or thirty people participated in the cannibalism. Right out in the open, they boiled human flesh in front of the local government offices.

The horrors were all part of a calculated plan. The Communist leaders assigned quotas to the Red Guards for how many people had to be killed. Mobs were encouraged to beat people to death because then the “masses can be educated in a relatively more efficient way.” The order was that after three days “one-fourth of the social dregs must be bludgeoned to death.”

 – Model demonstrations of killing were held before ‘communes’ were turned loose to kill people on their own.

– Thousands of people were being killed with fists and stones across the region in the name of the Communist Party.

– Entire families, men, women and children, even babies, were brutally killed by the Cultural Revolution’s cadres. Some were raped and tortured.

Girls had been encouraged to take the lead in the Cultural Revolution from the beginning.

During the mass killings they were encouraged, to do the killing and later they would address them as ‘sister nine’ or ‘sister ten’ based on the number of people they had killed.

Sons begged for the lives of their mothers. Mothers begged for the lives of their children. ‘Please leave me one.’

Ropes were put around the necks of children and they were dragged to their deaths through the dust for the greater glory of the Communist cause.

A mother trying to hide the truth from her little boy until the end dressed him in his best clothes, telling him that his ‘uncles were coming to take him to grandma’s.’

The convergence of Communism and Chinese folk medicine with its emphasis on the value of particular organs led to mobs harvesting and eating human hearts and livers for their medicinal value.

Peasants recruited into the Communist mobs believed that eating human hearts would help them live longer.

While some were forced to eat body parts, others eagerly joined in.

Among the endless horrors of the Communist mobs was “the practice of cutting out a person’s organs and frying them in oil while the victim was still alive.” A man being castrated pleaded, “let me die first then you can cut it.” The Communist killers however paid no attention to his pleas.

The Communist machine kept detailed records

of all the various atrocities it had committed.

Much as during the French Revolution, old women would appear with baskets, but in Communist China:

Immediately after a victim was killed, the crowd would rush forward. Those at the forefront would get the good pieces of flesh. Those who came later divided up the bones among themselves.

In 1968, the Communist cannibalism abruptly ended. The Chinese Communist Party at the national level gave the order to end it immediately and a prolonged cover-up began.

[T]he violence had served its larger purpose

in Mao’s Cultural Revolution power struggle.

While word of it reached America early on, American Leftists refused to believe it. It was not until the publication and translation of Scarlet Memorial, which was reviewed by the New York Times and the Washington Post in the nineties, that the facts were established.

And then quickly forgotten.

While these horrors were taking place, Western intellectuals and journalists returned from Communist China (as they had the USSR and Nazi Germany) and denied that anything terrible was going on.

As Gov. Tim Walz’s 30-year relationship with China is scrutinized, it is worth noting how a news story described:

Walz has always been fascinated by Communist China. He remembers from his childhood pictures of Mao Tse-Tung hung in public places and carried in parades.

A few years after the cannibalism, American Communist sympathizers set up the US-China Peoples Friendship Association (USCPFA) to “advance the interests of Communist China and world communism.” And in 2019, Gov. Walz was scheduled to appear at USCPFA’s convention.

The history lesson of note here:

Political mob violence, once underway, unleashes the worst evils inherent in human nature. That is as true of Communist cannibalism in China as it is true of Black Lives Matter.

Convince a mob that it is oppressed and duty bound to do anything to end the oppression and it will do anything.

Past surveys showed 1 in 5 Ivy League students “expressed some level of acceptance for violence” for stopping campus speeches they did not like.

The history of the Left—from the French Revolution to the USSR to Cuba, China, and Cambodia—testifies to the horrors unleashed by the same ideology that is now taking over America.