Palestinians Are Not Senseless—They Know What They Want and That Is to Kill Jews

One of the major problems the West has is that it does not want to believe what little it has learned about Islam and therefore does not understand those who call themselves ‘Palestinians.’

One often hears the word “senseless” used in the mass propaganda media to describe acts of terror or violence against innocent civilians.

This from

The West does not understand the Palestinians do not want a state or to progress as a civilization. Their one true desire is to kill Jews.

When six hostages, including one American, were murdered in cold blood after nearly a year of brutal captivity—note: Israel reported the captives were so weak, they could no longer stand when they were slaughtered—their deaths were described as “senseless” by the West. This description may be correct in the eyes of us Westerners. But let us look at the event from the eyes of the Palestinians—both the terrorists and their collaborators.

Their goal is to kill Jews, and they killed Jews. There is nothing senseless about it. It is rather a job well done, for them. And we in the West cannot understand this. We see 20 somethings murdered and we say senseless; they see six dead Jews and declare success.

As written by :

I first became aware of the demented Palestinian view of life and death when I read the indictments of those involved in the suicide bombing in which our son and I were wounded. Those who prepped the bomber, a Palestinian policeman, exhorted him to kill at least one Jew. If he sees that they are closing in on him, he should set off his charge so that at least one Jew is killed through his actions. In practice, he killed three Jews, two being a young married couple, she being pregnant with twins. Over eighty others were wounded.

When news spread of the death of the six hostages, those marching on campuses and through the streets of Western capitals were nonplussed.

They did not condemn the executions and some specifically said they were happy with the announced deaths. One can learn from the slogans spouted by these two-legged pieces of garbage that the Palestinians have no goal of having a state or becoming a nation. Their sole purpose is to kill Jews and beyond that there is nothing more.

As reported by Bauer, the following are the top three campus slogans of late:

Intifada Revolution.

[In] the dark days of the second intifada, circa 2000-2006, [t]he Palestinians committed thousands of acts of terror. Suicide bombings, stabbings, vehicular attacks, stonings, and more occurred throughout Israel and the West Bank/Gaza. Around 1,100 Israelis were killed and over 10,000 were injured. There was no person in Israel who did not know somebody killed or injured.

When we lay in Hadassah Hospital, hundreds of friends, family, and colleagues were made aware of our plight. But did the Palestinians gain anything from the bloodletting? Thousands of Palestinians were killed, wounded and incarcerated. The Palestinian Authority (PA)—whose associated paramilitary groups stood behind many of the attacks including our own—gained nothing during this period. They did not add any land. They made no progress towards statehood. They lost a lot of their policemen and paramilitary forces as they were ultimately terrorists in official clothing.

The intifada was therapeutic for the Palestinians as they saw Jews dead and their relatives crying. But they gained nothing. So the current call for “intifada revolution” is simply a call to kill more Jews and gain nothing.


The marchers always seem terribly concerned about rhyming chants. One of their jingles demands a return to 1948. So let’s go back to 1948. From January through early May, the British had firm control of Palestine. They ruled with an iron fist and had full governmental, police, and military authority.

The British left and five Arab armies and the locals fought the Jews. The Jews won and established the state of Israel on the land held, while the West Bank was taken by Jordan and Gaza was held by the Egyptians. There were not even five minutes during the entire 12 months of 1948 when there was a state of Palestine run by local Arabs. So the call for “1948” is meaningless.

Do they want to go back to harsh British colonial rule? Do they want a replay of the Jews defeating combined Arab forces? This chant, like its predecessor, has no relationship to having a country called Palestine, because they don’t want a country. They just want to kill Jews.

From the River to the Sea.

This is the main mantra at most of the protests, violent or otherwise. Many of those marching have provided social media with great fodder by not knowing from which river to what sea.

[T]he Palestinians, if they really wanted to realize this vision of “from the river to the sea,” would need to kill or deport around 9 million Jews. The Palestinians do not have the means to defeat Israel militarily. Yes, they can fire rockets or undertake terror attacks, but they do not have a real answer to F-15’s, F-16’s, F-35’s, hundreds of tanks and nine advanced German submarines.

The cry “from the river to the sea” is just one more way of saying, “Let’s kill as many Jews as possible. We are not interested in two-states or coexistence. We want the whole enchilada and don’t want one living Jew anywhere in the region.”

Now, let us rethink the word ‘senseless.’ Because, truly, senseless with respect to murder would be appropriate for a botched mob hit.

[For example] where the target got away safely and a 4-year-old girl was killed. The death of the girl is a tragedy and even in the eyes of the killers, there is no value to the girl’s death in the place of the target they had in mind.

So, the next time we read about a senseless death in the Middle East, let us put ourselves in the mind frame of the terrorist:

[I]n his mind, was it senseless or did it accomplish the goal of killing Jews or other enemies? Because we cannot penetrate the blood-soaked mind of the West’s enemies, we see the death of young people as senseless. If we could simply transfer our brains into the terrorists’ bodies, we would understand they felt they had succeeded. The guy who blew up behind me did not know anyone whom he harmed. He did not care who the dead or injured were.

Final thoughts: The West—to its own detriment—does not understand the Palestinians have no goal of statehood or coexistence with a Jewish state of Israel. They simply want to kill Jews.

Will the West ever understand the Palestinians?