Whistleblower Outs Dementia Joe and Comrade Kamala Illegality—They Spent Over $700 Million to Bus Child Illegals

The border crisis under The Obiden-Harris Regime has been nothing short of a disaster—by design.

Since taking office, this crime syndicate has encouraged more than 10 million illegal aliens to enter the United States.

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

The staggering number is not the extent of the problem that has impacted hard-working Americans in ways that are too often ignored:

 – Schools, hospitals, and local communities are overwhelmed,

 – Crime rates have spiked in many towns [and cities throughout our beloved country],

 – [W]ages are being driven down in industries where illegal [aliens] have flooded the workforce, and

 – [We the People] are paying the price for [The Regime’s designed destruction of our beloved country].

But there is something much more shocking going on behind the scenes of which most Americans are unaware.

From The Post Millennial:

Investigative journalist James O’Keefe has interviewed a whistleblower [Clarissa Rippee] who says the Biden-Harris administration has awarded a $374 million contract to MVM to transport unaccompanied minors across the United States. The company describes itself as a ‘public safety and national security’ firm.

The communist/globalist crime syndicate is not-so-secretly paying millions to bus and fly unaccompanied minors all over the country.

And this is not new. In 2022, a previous whistleblower came forward with the same story—federally funded contractors with MVM were flying “tens of thousands of unaccompanied migrant children” across the U.S., often late at night when no one was watching.

These children, mind you, were being

handed off to unvetted adult sponsors.

According to Rippee, who worked as a contract specialist for the General Services Administration (GSA), this $374 million contract was a “line in the sand” moment for her. She described feeling sick to her stomach when she learned that “MVM was being paid big bucks to move migrant children around like commodities” or, as O’Keefe put it, “like potato chips on a truck.”

And this isn’t just about buses and planes—

this is about exploiting vulnerable kids for profit.

Rippee’s testimony revealed:

[O]ver the last nine months, MVM received more than $129 million from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to continue this practice.

In total, MVM has raked in $719 million from DHS for transporting these children.

The children, often without their families, are treated like cargo in a “big money business” that benefits the contractors monetarily and the government’s design of eventually replacing We the People—at taxpayer expense.

Again, the federal government is illegally, quietly

moving thousands of unaccompanied minors

in inhumane conditions across the country.

Rippee made clear this activity has become normal by The Obiden-Harris Regime. Such illegal behavior is an accepted part of the bureaucracy now, but Rippee is speaking out because she believes this exploitation must stop.

This is not just about politics anymore—this is about human suffering. Rippee could not stand by and watch any longer. “It’s about the children,” she said in her interview with O’Keefe, adding that what she has seen cannot be unseen. For her, this is not just a job.

There is a moral obligation to expose the rot

behind the Obama transformation of America.

And Rippee’s revelation follows another bombshell dropped by O’Keefe in a separate interview with Customs and Border Protection agent Zachary Apotheker, who also sounded the alarm on the crisis.

These insiders are pulling back the curtain on the dark underbelly of the Obama designs for America—showing us that what is happening at the border is far worse than we have been led to believe.