Israel’s War to Save the West—If the West Allows Israel to Do So

After neutralizing most of the Hamas threat from Gaza, Israel’s operation to decapitate Hezbollah in Lebanon has proven to be another successful exercise in delivering justice to terrorists—many with American blood on their hands in addition to Israeli blood.

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Each terrorist brought to justice by Israel, and each loss dealt to the terrorists’ backers in Tehran is a gift to the Western world that supposedly stands with Israel against radical Islamic terror.

Yet the West keeps trying to stop Israel from taking out our common enemies that slobber at the thought of violently overthrowing all free, liberalized democracies.

Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon are just two fronts from which Israel has faced assaults in the year since Hamas’ October 7, 2023, attack. Israel has responded with swift justice, strong deterrence, and tactical precision, the likes of which have not been exhibited by the United States or other Western nations supposedly allied in the fight against radical extremist terrorists and the Iranian regime.

Still, these nations’ mostly ‘progressive’ leaders

condemn Israel for preventing its violent demise.

In addition to inexplicably slow-walking military aid to Israel at certain points in the time since 10/7, Biden repeatedly told Israel not to respond to the first direct attack launched on the Jewish State by Iran in April.

Why wouldn’t, with plainly apparent justification, the United States support our lone ally in the region responding decisively?

Iran and its terrorist proxies have long targeted the United States and its people in addition to Israel, yet The Obiden-Harris Regime treats degrading Iran and its terrorists’ ability to carry out attacks as a bad thing.

Many have seemingly forgotten, but from the time of the Islamic revolution in Iran until 9/11, Hezbollah murdered more Americans than any other terrorist organization. Sometimes referred to as the “A-Team” of terrorist organizations, Hezbollah is still ahead of even the Islamic State when it comes to Americans slaughtered by terrorists.

While Israel has done the work of risking its soldiers’ lives to take out the terrorist leaders who often chant “Death to America” in the same breath as “Death to Israel,” The Obiden-Harris Regime has told Israel to back down or hold their fire while genocidal lunatics attempt to murder Jews and erase Israel “from the river to the sea.”

It’s become quite apparent, much to the antisemites’ dismay, that Israel can save itself from the terrorists and state foes encircling its land. But can Israel save the West before the West stops Israel?

The United States, for decades in some cases, had listed the Hezbollah leaders and terrorist attack masterminds responsible for murdering our citizens around the world on most-wanted lists and offered millions of dollars in bounties for their heads. Yet, it was Israel that finally delivered justice in recent weeks by decimating Hezbollah with precise targeting and brilliant movie-worthy plots involving pagers and other communication devices. Not only did Israel take out the terrorists wanted by the United States for their past evil acts, the IDF has—more than once now—prevented Hezbollah from reconstituting its leadership by taking out each emerging successor.

That’s a good thing, folks, though such a point

should be so obvious it doesn’t have to be made.

It is also Israel that has responded decisively to attacks launched by the Houthis in Yemen while the United States and other Western allies refused to meaningfully counter the terrorists’ months-long campaign targeting shipping traffic and even U.S. warships transiting the Red Sea. Attempts by the Obiden-Harris U.S.-led coalition in the region to stop the attacks failed spectacularly, primarily because the United States and its allies refused to take the strong and decisive actions routinely displayed by the Israelis.

Fortunately, the coming U.S. elections will be the start of removing the Kenyan moslem from the basement of the White House. Then as quickly as Trump is able to quell the violent refusals by the Left to accept his reelection, the full speed ahead directive may be given to Israel to finish their mission of eliminating Iran’s jihad proxies.

Perhaps in decades to come Israel will be hailed for neutering Hamas and Hezbollah. And if Israel is able to remind the world that Iran must be treated as the evil empire it is, they may also assist the Iranian people to rise up against the radical regime in Tehran.

Meanwhile, however, with weak, compromised, and socio-economic suicidal leaders in the West, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is effectively locked in a war to save not just his own country but also the West—if the West allows Israel to do so.