Europeans Are Frightened and France’s Youth Rise Up: Demand ‘Islam Out of Europe’

In Lyon, young French patriots are rallying with a clear, unapologetic message: “Islam out of Europe!”

This from

Anti-moslem protest in Lyon, France.

Their voices echo a growing resistance to open-border policies and unchecked immigration sweeping across Europe.

Many French citizens have reached their breaking point, viewing Islamic migration as a threat to national identity and safety, especially as rising crime and cultural divides strain the fabric of French society.

The message is unmistakable: Europe’s youth are calling for an end to left-wing immigration policies they see as putting the future of France—and its core values—at risk.

Anti-moslem campaigner holding a placard in London.

Although, much of the news coming out of Europe has been presented as moslems experiencing racism and dehumanizing anti-moslem rhetoric, migration from moslem countries is being met with public opposition to any further migration from predominantly moslem states.

 All further migration from mainly

[moslem] countries should be stopped.

Overall, across all 10 of the European countries an average of 55% agreed that all further migration from mainly moslem countries should be stopped, 25% neither agreed nor disagreed and 20% disagreed.

Majorities in all but two of the ten states agreed, ranging from 71% in Poland, 65% in Austria, 53% in Germany and 51% in Italy to 47% in the United Kingdom and 41% in Spain. In no country did the percentage that disagreed surpass 32%.

From Sweden to Greece, far-right groups and populist leaders are not just participating in elections; they are winning, often in record numbers.

Geert Wilders’ ascent in the Netherlands, fueled by decades-worth of anti-moslem rhetoric, including the promise to ban mosques and the Qur’an, exemplifies how Europe is faced with a political trend not towards integration and acceptance, but ridding their countries of the element that is intent on eliminating their very culture.

But why is this self-preservation rhetoric—key to electoral success—resonating with so many? The answer lies in the power of fear. Europeans may have long ago realized moslems bring with them an alien culture which they intend to maintain, refusing to assimilate, but as their numbers have grown, what has become apparent is that the moslem immigrants intend to turn Christian Europe into Islamic Sharia law conquered lands.

For example, the great replacement theory that so many far-right populists exhort asserts Western civilization is facing an existential threat in a culture war against Western values. That narrative, of the West fighting for survival against the onslaught of Islamization, has tapped into deep-seated existential fears.

NOTE: Europe is being pulled towards far-right ideologies at a scale reminiscent of the preludes to World War II.

This is not merely a political trend either; a dangerous slide towards an era of division and hostility has developed, “one that will challenge the very foundations of our democratic values.”

Reports denote widespread racism across the EU, and there is a sizable minority of the population of each country that is calling for urgent action to address racial discrimination of moslems.

Ignorantly, perhaps even suicidally, this ever-diminishing group of people chooses to see this conservative, self-preservation trend as a threat to moslems and an affront to the core Western values of “empathy, tolerance, and mutual respect.”

They seek to humanize their fellow countrymen rather than see the Islamic “invasion” for what it truly is: An extreme, alien ideology that will not allow itself to be assimilated, rather seeks to overtake Christian Europe.

God speed to Europe’s self-preservation movement and may it take hold in America before Islam pulls the U.S. and its distinct culture over the edge.