Despite the Left’s Best Efforts, a New Generation Discovers the Joys of Shooting

Colorado’s lurch to the left over the past couple of decades has led to repeated attacks on lawful gun owners and the right to keep and bear arms, but despite their best efforts, liberals have not managed to destroy a culture of responsible gun ownership.

This from

In fact, in Lake County, Colorado, interest in the shooting sports has led to the creation of the county’s first ever high school trap shooting team.

The team was formed after students expressed interest in having a local trap shooting program. One of those students was senior Raymond Harvey, who previously had to travel to Buena Vista to participate in the sport.

Harvey said in sharing his determination in bringing the sport to Leadville:

I started attempting to get a team up here my freshman year. I contacted the athletic director at the time. Then we got a new athletic director, and I worked with Jake, and we finally got a team up here.

Now, trapshooting is an official club sport at Lake County High School and counts as an extracurricular just like football or any other sport. Head Coach Jake Farber said the team is also integrating with 4-H and partnering with the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) and the Scholastic Clay Target Program for special events.

Another high school embrace shooting sports is great to see, and it’s even better that the push came from students like Raymond Harvey.

Josh Homer said:

Trap shooting is one of the fastest-growing female sports. It’s great because it’s a nice integrated sport where males and females compete right next to each other and still have a great time.

He also emphasized that trap shooting is the safest high school sport.

Josh said:

Year after year, it ranks as the safest, with very few accidents. We really emphasize firearm safety and proper conduct.

Students interested in joining do not need their own firearm. The Ascent Opportunity Development Division (AODD), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, provides shotguns for participants who do not have their own. The provided gun is a single-shot break-open model to ensure safety. If a student decides to purchase their own firearm, AODD can assist in choosing the right one.

Who could be opposed to this? Even gun control activists should be okay with high school trap teams. After all, Tiananmen Tim is an out-and-proud trap shooter and hunter, and Comrade Kamala is a self-proclaimed gun owner. If there is any gun-related activity that groups like Giffords, Brady, and Everytown find acceptable, it should be trap shooting, right?


The NRA’s influence concerns Kris Brown, president of Brady, the national gun-violence prevention group.

She said:

I look at anything funded by the National Rifle Association with a jaundiced eye, because about 30 years ago they stopped talking publicly about any risks associated with firearms.

In this country, suicide with a firearm is at a 40-year high, and that is particularly true with teenagers.

Brown claims not to have a problem with the shooting sports, but if there is any involvement by the NRA or other Second Amendment groups then there is an issue.

Surprisingly, Brady and other anti-gunners have not complained more about 4-H’s shooting sports programs.

Youth shooting sports programs are apolitical in nature, but the anti-gunners still view them as a gateway to Second Amendment activism. They can’t stand the idea of kids learning how to be safe and responsible with firearms while also having a truly great day at the range. But while they complain about the NRA and other groups promoting youth shooting sports, the programs themselves keep growing in popularity… even in those places where responsible gun culture is under sustained assault.