Obama’s Troubling Post-Election Statement

After the 2016 election, Big Hill Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama issued statements committing to a peaceful transfer of power.

But we now know full well what they were really doing was launching Russiagate.

This from frontpagemag.com.

So, while the current statements urging everyone to respect the results of the election may seem heartening, they are merely press releases, not actual policy statements, and they do not reflect the intentions of the communist/globalist crime syndicate nor the Deep State.

Now, if We the People dissect the Left’s very words we will find they reveal interesting details, even messages.

Obama’s statement has a curious turn of phrase in which he stated the economy:

[C]reated headwinds for democratic incumbents around the world, and last night showed that America is not immune.

Like a lot of Obama’s writing:

[W]hich feels like a shallow person’s idea of a deep thinker, it’s easy to scan it without thinking about it because it reads like a tedious column in The Atlantic or The New Yorker which has nothing to say and takes too many words arranged in formulaic phrasing to say it.

Not unlike the recent losing candidate who talks in agonizing rhyme and says nothing of value.

But ‘democratic incumbents around the world’ should raise a few red flags.

NOTE: Democrats, to Obama, are not just a party, they are a global movement.

Leftist parties are, small d, democratic and they’re up against, obviously anti-democratic parties, like the Republicans in America, and conservative parties in Europe and elsewhere.

What is a non-democratic party? A totalitarian one.

Can one truly have a peaceful transfer of power to a totalitarian party? Obviously not. They must be resister.

American leftists are part of an international ‘democratic’ movement united to stop Republicans, conservatives, and Trump.

Paranoia? No.

That is exactly what the Obama-Biden Regime did beginning in November 2016, if not before then.

Why would history not repeat itself?