“This Program Is a Scam—It’s Got a Dark Underpinning of a Hatred”—Steve Bannon Goes Off on H1-B Visa Program (VIDEO)

All this talk about work visas is a learning experience for We the People.

The Trump administration raised the issue and now it is being publicly debated so We the People may become more thoroughly informed.

This from thegatewaypundit.com.

And as we become smarter about H1-B visas as well as the entire system of granting visas, we will learn of the harm the Left has intended for America by the compilation of procedures they established.

Announcing the visa’s overhaul December 17, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said it would be easier for employers to fill vacancies and keep workers for longer and students would see smoother transitions from their temporary visas once they were hired. However, what the Obiden Regime has done will give the incoming Trump administration difficulty in making corrections they see as being necessary.

War Room host Steve Bannon went off on the H1-B visa program Saturday on his popular RAV show. Bannon called the H1-B program a “scam” with a “dark underpinning of hatred.”

He stated:

The hate America crowd, and they hate America, the hate America crowd there. When I say hate America, they hate the United States of America, the nation state of America, and American citizens…


…We’re going to win this fight. If you think that this audience in the MAGA movement, the Hoplites, the grundoon, tunes, the fixed bandana crowd that fought the steal of 2020 and then had President Trump’s back in the darkest days of ’21 and were with him the entire time, particularly because he was right on the basic issues that were causing the destruction of our beloved Republic are going to now, after a massive come from behind victory, overwhelming victory, just sit there and roll over while the country is torn apart by the oligarchs.

It’s not going to happen.


I always give full respect to Elon. Elon was absolutely central. Elon understood that this was about getting out low propensity, low information voters, and that the army of people from the turning points and from war room and other groups, you guys that did the election integrity and then did all the door-to-door canvassing, get the vote, that you were essential.

He did write the check, and that got him to sit at the table. I said that from the beginning, although I fundamentally disagree with him on major issues like the Chinese Communist Party, like transhumanism, and like the situation around immigration… Let me just restate something as a fact.

From the heart:

The H-1B visa program is a total and complete

scam from its top to the bottom…

Bannon concluded:

…Now, we’re not going to lose this fight, folks. We’ve faced longer odds before. We are not going to lose this This program is a scam. It’s an economic and financial scam, but it’s got a dark underpinning of a hatred, and I’m saying a hatred, of American citizens in our beloved Republic. You’re going to have to climb over our dead bodies to defeat us. We will never, ever, ever give up, ever.

Without a doubt, the H-1B visa program is, if nothing else, badly in need of reform. The entire system is a scam in that it is not used to bring in top talent as advertised.

And it has been exploited by employers to dump American workers while creating uniquely abusive employment relationships that re-create some of the worst features of indentured servitude.

By restricting the ability of H-1B visa-holders to seek new, different jobs, the visas can artificially tilt the playing field on salary and working conditions toward the companies that employ them. That runs counter to the free-labor philosophy that has been at the heart of the Republican Party since its founding.

Musk posted his assent to a suggestion that we welcome top talent while reining in H-1B abuses. The billionaire and his supporters took comfort in Donald Trump’s telling the New York Post that he has always liked the H-1B visa program. Trump, though, has long been all over the map on questions related to legal immigration. In 2016, he promised to eliminate H-1B visas, and although Trump told the Post he has used H-1B visas many times, he has mainly used different visas for agricultural and seasonal employees. In short, Trump’s vaguely positive sentiment about H-1B visas does noy rule anything in or out.

Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies noted the natural move would be for the incoming Trump administration to try to select H-1B visa recipients by highest salary offers rather than by lottery (the first Trump administration attempted this but got blocked in the courts).

The logic is that if we are truly recruiting the most valuable talent, companies will demonstrate it with a willingness to pay up. As it is, the H-1B program is benefiting many mid-level employees who are hardly irreplaceable.

According to the New York Times:

A couple of years ago the company that runs Truth Social sought a H-1B visa for a product data analyst who would make $65,000.

Are we really supposed to believe that there was no one in the United States who could do that job, or the person who would fill it was potentially the next Edward Teller?

More broadly, the immigration system, which admits more than a million people annually, should be reformed by Congress to put a much greater emphasis on merit rather than family connections. This could be done easily (in theory), without increasing the total number of immigrants, or even while reducing them.

With the percentage of the U.S. population that is foreign-born at a historic high, as Musk has suggested:

[W]e don’t need to boost the overall numbers, and higher numbers certainly aren’t necessary to admit geniuses, who, by definition, are a tiny group of people.

We the People look forward to the new administration heeding Musk’s impulse to admit the very most talented foreigners while tightening up on a ramshackle legal immigration system that serves our interests poorly.

And for our beloved country’s benefit:

Musk usefully stirred the pot on this issue.