As the cliche goes, ‘It’s all over but the shouting.’
Four years of incompetence and malignity inflicted upon We the American People by an illegitimate, dysfunctional, criminal cabal has nearly reached its end.
This from
Both at home and abroad, a socio-economically suicidal crime syndicate hijacked our beloved country with “programs astonishing for their gross violations of reality and morality, not to mention common sense and the laws of science.”
But as we rejoice over our deliverance, and look hopefully to January 20:
[We the American People] should gird our loins and steel ourselves for the fight to come, starting with whatever feckless policies that lame-duck Biden’s puppeteers manage to get passed.
The damage done by way of the Obama transformation of America has cut into our culture, our Constitutional order, and every one of our institutions. The repair will be long and extensive and it will involve the reeducation of those who knew better but still tolerate or endorse the policies that have weakened our Republic.
Most of us can catalogue the examples of communist/globalist intentional malfeasance:
– The “renewable energy” and “net-zero carbon” grift that has disrupted our economy and fed inflation in a nation blessed with huge reserves of oil and natural gas, enough to make us energy self-sufficient,
– Another Dem failure to “follow the science” is the transgender fad preying on neurotic children and teens. Science tells us that mammals are either males or females that together procreate, yet doctors presumably trained scientifically are openly poisoning children with puberty blockers and cross-hormone treatments, then move on to irreversible surgeries that leave their victims mutilated for life,
– [T]he Uniparty’s feckless economic policies that print, borrow, tax, spend, and redistribute trillions of dollars to political clients. The unscientific mitigation policies and spending sprees during the Covid pandemic damaged millions of people, and flooded the economy with more money chasing fewer goods, the eternal formula for inflation,
– More pertinent are the massive costs of entitlement programs, the biggest items in the federal budget, a list now including the interest on the debt used to pay for this largess fast approaching unsustainability,
– Meanwhile, our defense spending has dwindled to just 3.4% of GDP, even as China, our most powerful and malignant rival, is spending freely on materiel, subsidized in part by American corporations and businesses partnering with the Chinese communists. But on this issue of overspending on entitlements—to a greater (Dems) or lesser (GOP) degree—we all are complicit, no matter what party we follow,
– On our foreign policy blunders—the last two Dem presidents have completely owned foreign policy disasters—the consequences of which we are now confronting.
– – For example, Barack Obama’s extreme appeasement of Iran over its nuclear weapons program, murderous proxies, and bloody adventurism throughout the region.
– – Joe Biden spent his term trying to bribe Iran to acknowledge its deals terms. But Iran blew off these cringing supplications while pocketing billions of dollars in cash and sanctions relief. Unchecked by this failure, Biden ordered a shambolic skedaddle from Afghanistan, stranding Americans and leaving our Afghan allies to the tender mercies of the Taliban, who also received the strategically critical Bagram Air Base, along with billions in materiel.
These examples of the communist/globalist failures illustrate the general principle that bad ideas most often are the cause of bad policies.
Marxism and progressivism are the political ideologies based on these dubious and dangerous ideas. From them come the technocratic, anti-nationalism, “one world” globalism that fancies itself, as did Marxism, a “science” that only the uneducated, uncultured, retrogressive Bible-thumpers reject, thus making them the prey of the plutocrats and “fascists” for their own malign purposes.
For history, millennia of experience, common sense, both our Greco-Roman and Judeo- Christian founding civilizations, all teach us:
[H]uman beings are driven by destructive passions and selfish interests, all empowered by our freedom to choose, and making utopia impossible to achieve.
Or as Immanuel Kant said:
From the crooked timber of humanity, nothing straight can be made.
The Framers knew the truth of humanity’s destructive flaws, and so gave us a Constitution that mutually checks and balances the Federal government’s powers, and a Bill of Rights that protects individuals from tyranny. They also ensured holding power accountable with regularly scheduled elections, which give we the people the ability to choose a government that does not assault the Constitutions and our freedoms––as we just did on November 5.
But the flaws of human nature, magnified by bad policies that distort or ignore that truth to increase the scope of self-serving power, does not surrender power easily.
The communists/globalists in concert with their colluding propaganda media are working overtime devising and planting “political IED’s to cripple Donald Trump’s presidential powers.” And let us not forget the “Fifth Columnist Republicans,” those of uniparty fame who are working in tandem to short circuit Trump’s MAGA movement.
Now begins the hard work of keeping our Republic and restoring our Constitution.
God speed to the Trump-Vance team and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.