The Obama-Biden Regime Has Shifted Millions in Aid from Israel to Hezbollah

When you have already spent $3 billion propping up Islamic terrorism, what’s $7.5 million more?

The Regime’s support of world Islamic terrorism is no less than treasonous to America and deadly to all the people of the world.

This from

At this point, if Iran test detonates a nuke before Jan 20, would anyone be surprised to learn The Obiden Regime Fed-Exed them the parts?

Still trying to do the next best thing:

– The [Obiden Regime] in its final days is shifting more than $100 million in military aid from Israel and Egypt to Lebanon as it tries to bolster a ceasefire agreement it helped mediate between Israel and Hezbollah, and

– In separate notices sent to Congress, the State Department said it was moving $95 million in military assistance intended for Egypt and $7.5 million for Israel toward supporting the Lebanese army and its government. The notices were dated Jan. 3 and obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday.

The Lebanese Army is controlled by a Hezbollah puppet government. This has not stopped us from spending a fortune propping it up on the theory that the puppet is somehow supposed to stop the puppeteer.

The following is a press release from the State Department in 2022 that resulted in everyone involved being fired:

U.S. security assistance for the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) is a key component of U.S. Lebanon policy to strengthen Lebanon’s sovereignty, secure its borders, counter internal threats, and disrupt terrorist facilitation. Key areas of cooperation include border security, maritime security, defense institution building, arms transfers, and counterterrorism.

The LAF historically served as a pillar of stability in a country facing extraordinary challenges, including the presence of the terrorist group Hizballah. The U.S.-LAF partnership builds the LAF’s capacity as the sole legitimate defender of Lebanon’s sovereignty. Since 2006, U.S. investments of more than $3 billion to the LAF enabled the Lebanese military to be a stabilizing force against regional threats.

NOTE: Over $3 billion. To a terrorist puppet force. To fight terrorism.

The same people who lecture endlessly on U.S. foreign aid to Israel never seem to get around to mentioning this, or the billions to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and every moslem terror state in the world.

But, yes, the LAF is a pillar of stability which is why Hezbollah was able to take over the country, build tens of thousands of rockets and a force of tens of thousands of Jihadists.

Here’s another $7.5 million diverted from Israel to Hezbollah’s puppet whose current role is once again acting as a shield for Hezbollah and pretending that Hezbollah is keeping the ceasefire by standing in front of the terrorists.

When you’ve already spent $3 billion, what’s $7.5 million more?

Final thoughts: No doubt the imminent return of President Trump will bring this money exchange to a stop. But when will We the People learn of the arrest of all the bad actors in the U.S. government, to include Barack Hussein Obama?