USAID has been a major problem for a long time, but under The Obama-Biden Regime it was transformed into a rogue agency that actively resisted the efforts of watchdog organizations to acquire information about its activities.
Billions of dollars in aid were directed to terror states in ways that are completely unaccountable.
This from
Their operation included moving money through the UN and third-party Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) while making it impossible to track what they were doing with it.
The current move by the Trump administration to put the rogue agency move firmly under the control of the State Department is a welcome first step.
[B]ut frankly USAID was dubiously conceived and much of its operations are aimed at undermining U.S. foreign policy or warping it into funding our enemies.
The Trump administration and a Republican Congress would do well to:
– fully consolidate all ‘humanitarian’ aid under a single arm of the government (currently it goes through too many pathways), and
– significantly slash that aid unless it’s clearly and directly in the interests of our foreign policy.
Aid to enemy nations, whether or not we technically view them as partners or allies, like Pakistan or Turkey, should be zeroed out entirely.
And no aid should be directed to any areas under the control of terrorist groups. That includes Yemen, Syria, Gaza, and Afghanistan.
America should not be in the business of funding Islamic terrorism.