When he first suggested to Donald Trump the tactic of overpowering the Left with non-stop activity, Steve Bannon called it ‘Flooding the Zone.’ More recently what we are witnessing has been called ‘The Speed of Trump.’
Whatever it is, it feels good and it is keeping all of us smiling to know the Left has been put back on their heals in a position from which they will likely (hopefully) never catch up.
This from newsmax.com.
And now the ‘not so important’ has bled over into the ‘most important’ and has the attention of our Commander in Chief.
President Donald Trump on Friday raged against eco-friendly paper straws promoted by the previous White House occupant Dementia Joe, and he pledged that the United States would return to using plastic straws.
The President said:
I will be signing an Executive Order next week ending the ridiculous Biden push for Paper Straws, which don’t work.
Biden had announced a target to eliminate single-use plastic utensils like drinking straws by 2035 in government departments.
Trump’s move is the latest on environmental issues by the Republican president, who pulled out of the Paris climate change agreement soon after his inauguration for a second term and he has pledged to:
Drill, Baby, Drill—for oil.
The growing trend for paper drinking straws has long irritated Trump.
He had said during a campaign rally in the 2020 election against Biden:
They want to ban straws. Has anyone tried those paper straws? They’re not working too good.
It disintegrates as you drink it, and if you have a nice tie like this tie, you’ve got no choice.
And like liberals, paper straws don’t work worth a sh*t beyond the first few minutes. They collapse on the job and turn life into a real mess.
Trump’s campaign team has also sold branded plastic straws with the slogan:
Liberal paper straws don’t work.
Final thoughts: We the People are enjoying life at The Speed of Trump.
Perhaps one day those past liberal acquaintances of ours will pull their craniums from their anal orifices and smell the roses.