This is it Boys! This is WAR! Leftwing Activist Declares Civil War on MAGA and it is HILARIOUS

What could everyday life possibly be like for these Leftwing kooks?

They get up, check the news for Trump’s obituary and then collapse into hysterical rage sobbing on the floor for 45 minutes before heading out to their afternoon Starbucks protest. What a waste of oxygen.

This from

To paraphrase Walter Scott, ‘Oh, dear, what a tangled web they weave when at first they seek to deceive.’

Now, with 95K followers and 16K likes on this, we might be in trouble, people!

This particular leftwing activist wants We the People to support her work keeping the world aware of Trump’s ongoing evil by going to Amazon and buying a sticker that says, ‘One day we will wake up to his obituary.’

Oh, Molly, Molly, Molly !!!


Let us just say that maybe an organized protest with pre-made signs and creative sing-along chants is not going to cut it.

This is, of course, an ongoing fantasy the left has of rising up in revolution against whichever Republican ‘dictator,’ is in power at any given time.

Remember this gem?

Well, Hell’s Bells, boys and girls.

Now Trump has the nukes.

Seriously, this is not even funny any longer. We have reached the ‘sad’ phase.

Every few years the left loses power and goes on an extended tantrum promising the world will end if they do not get their afternoon chicken nuggets. Oh, so tiresome.

But a civil war?


Sorry, hun, we don’t have time for a civil war, we have jobs to go to and dinner to make. Take your pill and do some restorative yoga and calm down.

There’s a song about this, right?

They could try making more terrible memes.

But really, Molly, you probably should not be posting your insurrection fantasies on social media.

Show us your warriors.

We’ll be fine. Hysterically mused, but fine.

Liberals are such pussies. Especially those without one.