Downsizing the Department of Education Ends Another Carter Legacy

Jimmy Carter ran for office promising to create a Department of Education.

Oddly enough, the only people who wanted such a thing were the teacher’s unions which were already destroying American education.

NOTE: There was a time when unions served their purpose well, however, that time has long ago come and gone.

This from frontpagemag.

The Dept of Ed started life with 6,400 employees and promptly began to oversee massive student loan fraud on an unprecedented scale while trying to micromanage and radicalize local education.

President Reagan promised to end the Department of Education, but he was stuck with a Leftist congress, and the media kept falsely promising that the Dept of Ed would somehow salvage public schools.

Unsurprisingly, it did just the opposite.

The Bush administration helped shrink the numbers somewhat which tended to remain in the 4,000 employee range.

That’s what it was when Trump first took office. The numbers increased slightly under Biden, but they are about to drop sharply as the Trump administration has announced that it is cutting the D of E in half—from 4,100 to 2,183 employees. That is math that is easily understood at every level.

1,300 employees out of 4,100 are being laid off and another 560 accepted a resignation package of some sort. According to the announcement, that will leave 2,183 Dept of Ed employees, which is still too many, but a vast improvement over 4,100.

Killing the Department of Education had been Reagan’s dream. The D of E was Carter’s legacy. Now another part of the worst president’s legacy is being taken apart and tossed into the Potomac.

NOTE: Yes, Carter is still the worst president because Biden’s term will be declared null and void and Obama—the queer Kenyan—will be determined to have been illegitimate. Fraud vitiates everything!

Imagine, screaming radical liberals pulling out their hair will then reach a crescendo.