Freezing Out the Deep State

Theoretically, top officials who leave government get to keep their security clearances to facilitate experienced people being available to give advice when called upon.

This from

In reality, these security clearances are an extremely valuable commodity, much prized both by the clearance holders and the people who are eager to hire them for their knowledge and prestige.

Law firms with security clearances have special access to clients. Defense contractors want people with top-level security clearances on their boards or as consultants, and foreign companies and politicians love hanging out with former top-level officials with access to secrets for the most obvious of reasons.

It’s good to be in the know, and the very top-level officials often still get access to the Presidential Daily Brief.

Joe Biden famously ripped Donald Trump’s security clearance away when he left office, basically accusing him of being a Russian spy who was careless with our nation’s secrets. Trump may have dumped boxes of classified documents in his garage next to his Corvette.

Well, We the People can agree Donald Trump was not going to be consulting Joe Biden, General Milley, or any of the signers of the letter intimating that Russia concocted the Hunter Biden laptop. Nor was he going to reach out to Letitia James or Alvin Bragg for their advice on national security matters, and Perkins Coie was never going to be giving him legal advice, either.

So, is it any surprise that Trump has revoked all their security clearances? These professional liars betrayed our country for political purposes, and any president with integrity—no less Donald Trump, who was the target of their traitorous lies—would yank their security clearances and begin investigations into how they have likely abused and profited from their access to secrets.

Security clearances are not merely a badge of honor—they are an indirect form of compensation for people who have proven entirely willing to sell their souls for power in the classic ‘deal with the Devil’ manner with which we are all familiar.

No doubt Leftists and the transnationalists will decry this move as “revenge,” arguing it is the God-given right of any communist/globalist official who ever had a security clearance to retain it, even though it serves no national security purpose.

Selling access to American secrets is their business when they are out of power, after all, and being a Democrat means never having to give up one’s grift.

Actually, the president should yank the clearance of any political hack who no longer needs it, regardless of party.

Barring that, every single person who has participated in the lawfare and hoaxes that have been destroying our country should be not only stripped of all clearances, but be blackballed by Trump.

And by blackballed, We the People mean this:

[M]ake it known that any company that puts these people on their boards, hires them as consultants, or does business with them in a manner that makes them money can give a pass to asking for a contract with the federal government.

The Left did much worse to Trump’s advisors in the first term. They tried to put many of them in jail, including lawyers just doing their job helping Trump. There was an organized effort to strip Trump of legal representation by blackballing any lawyer who represented him.

Those of the crime syndicate do not believe the rules apply to them. These people rightfully deserve to experience the wrath of Trump after years of persecuting him. As long as he stays within the letter of the law, have at them.

Turnabout is fair play, no?