Trump Is Being Accused of “Manufacturing” a Recession—What Is Really Going On?

A large number of talking heads in the propaganda media beginning to blame President Trump for causing a “recession” IS NOT a coincidence.

These are the colluding useful idiots reading their scripted lines.

This from

Throughout the painful four years of The Obiden Regime those same voices—then in cover-up mode—insisted there was no “recession” on the horizon even though:

– homelessness was setting record high after record high,

– demand at food banks surged to levels never seen before,

– inflation was out of control,

– home sales plunged to extremely depressed levels,

– stores and restaurants were closing all over the nation, and

– debt levels were breaking records.

NOTE: The U.S. economy has been on a downward trajectory for a long time, and that downward trajectory became a near vertical descent during the final months of The Obiden Regime.

However, now we are to believe the economic problems America is experiencing are happening because Trump is “manufacturing” a recession

CNBC host Jim Cramer went off on President Trump for fueling recession fears and cratering the stock market, noting competitor markets are ‘crushing us’ and accusing Trump of potentially ‘manufacturing’ a recession—or worse.


Trump has been in office less than 60 days.  He simply has not had much of an opportunity to have much of an impact on the economy yet.

But following more than 1,400 days of The Obiden Regime’s dedicated destruction, U.S. households were absolutely drowning in debt. In fact, we just learned that the average credit card debt load during the fourth quarter of last year was the highest that we have seen since the Great Recession

For one, Americans’ inflation-adjusted debt burdens are starting to grow further beyond prepandemic levels on a per-household basis. As of the fourth quarter of 2024, the average household’s credit-card debt surpassed $10,000, adjusted for inflation, for the first time since 2009, according to data compiled by consumer-finance website WalletHub.

Donald Trump was not president during the fourth quarter of 2024.

We also just learned that missed payments on auto loans were at “the highest level in three decades” in January…

Donald Trump did not become president until January 20th. So, we must not believe the Left when they try to put that on Trump.

Should we be concerned about where the economy is heading?

Yes! But trying to blame Donald Trump for four years of failed policies does not make any sense.

It is not Trump’s fault that airlines are “cutting their first-quarter profit and sales estimates”

And it is not Trump’s fault that retail sales have been falling all over the nation. For example, Kohl’s is projecting “a sales decline between 5 percent to 7 percent”

Now that President Trump is in the White House, he is going to have an opportunity to fix things.

But it will not be easy.

During a recent interview with Maria Bartiromo, President Trump openly acknowledged we are facing “a period of transition”

We’re bringing wealth back to America. That’s a big thing. And there are always periods of, it takes a little time. It takes a little time, but I think it should be great for us.

If anyone thinks that it is all going to be smooth sailing ahead, they are delusional.

Unfortunately, a very serious economic downturn has already begun, and there are many coordinated voices determined to blame whatever happens next on Donald Trump.

Final thought, a question: Once President Trump pulls us through this “transition” who will the talking heads credit with saving our economy?