Clinton judges were bad, Obama judges were worse, and Biden judges are unhinged shrieking activists who do not understand the law or worse, they are compromised by being paid to make terrible decisions.
This from
Meet Judge Ana Reyes who was put in charge of deciding whether the Pentagon can remove servicemembers with mental problems that cause them to believe they’re women.
Judge Reyes said the government “egregiously misquoted” and “cherry picked” scientific studies to incorrectly assert that transgender soldiers decrease the readiness and lethality of the military.
There is no reality in which having mentally ill and delusional people in a military organization does not decrease military readiness.
She also repeatedly suggested that the policy unfairly targets a class of people that the Trump administration dislikes.
‘The question in this case is whether the military under the equal protection rights afforded to every American under the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment, if the military … can do that and targeting a specific medical issue that impacts a specific group that the administration disfavors,’ she said.
People in wheelchairs can’t go into combat. People with mental delusions shouldn’t be anywhere near a military operational.
This is not rocket science.
Judge Reyes also pressed a DOJ attorney to identify any other similar medical issues that has prompted a similar response from the Department of Defense.
‘Identify for me a single other time in recent history where the military has excluded a group of people for having a disqualifying issue, because I can’t think of one,’ Judge Reyes asked.
The attorney answered that the military applied a similar policy for soldiers who declined to take the COVID-19 vaccine, prompting an incredulous Judge Reyes to ask anyone in the gallery to raise their hand if they had gotten COVID.
‘Lots of people raise their hands, right?’ Judge Reyes said. ‘All different kinds of people … so it wasn’t just aimed at getting rid of one group of people.’
Again, a judge being this stupid is doubtful. Judge Reyes likely is being paid to make such illogical decisions.
Specific groups of people, including devout Christians and people with certain kinds of medical concerns and political beliefs, refused the vaccine. This was known. Taking action against them was an act of discrimination.
The group in question was not people who got COVID, it was people who did not want the vaccine.
A halfway intelligent high schooler would not try to make this argument. Ana Reyes is below that level.
‘Do you know why people with transgender, with gender dysphoria, have higher rates of suicide ideation?’ she asked. ‘It’s because they face such stigma and discrimination in society. All the studies show that transgender people and people with gender dysphoria are not more inherently subject to suicide or likely to have suicide ideation. That’s not it. It’s not biological, it’s not inherent.’
‘I assume you would agree with me with the following: The answer to suicide ideation caused by discrimination is not further discrimination, right?’ the judge asked.
This is just gibberish.
There is no biological basis for transgender delusions. People suffering from delusions are more likely to engage in self-harm. There is no meaningful evidence that being in an environment where everyone uses pronouns and pretends that Barry is really Sally has any meaningful impact on suicide rates.
If anything, going into the transgender pipeline seems to dramatically increase suicides. Everything else is superfluous. Transgenderism is the behavioral indicator that must be first examined.
The solution to the problem does not rest with the military whose job is to find non-crazy people to serve. Judge Reyes has a problem with that because she is not very bright and she also seems to be a little out of her mind, or she is compromised with a sizable chunk of change stashed away to pad her retirement and is now forced to illogically explain her bad decisions.