Hamas in America: This Is Not a Protest Movement, This Is an Invading Enemy

The enemy members spying out through the nostrils of the Trojan horse: Sen. Chuck Schumer, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Tim Kaine, Sen. Chris Van Hollen, Sen. Peter Welch, Sen Dick Durbin, Sen. Tammy Baldwin, and 103 House communists/globalists who rallied in support of Mahmoud Khalil—an organizer in a Columbia University terrorist movement that called for “Death to America” and “the total eradication of Western civilization.”

What were they thinking? Orange Man Bad?

This from frontpagemag.com.

Half the House communist/globalist crime syndicate, the Senate’s minority leader, its former VP nominee in 2016, and two of its top 3 presidential candidates in 2020 now support the “rights” of this alien enemy to pursue his agendas of destroying Israel and exterminating its Jews, and destroying its indispensable ally America along with the rest of the civilized world.

No wonder, the crime syndicate of the Left is attracting a mere 20% of American voters, but this still begs the question: ‘Is that 20% ignorant, suicidal, or simply stupid?’

David Horowitz’s message is:

Mahmoud Khalil and his followers are self-declared enemies of America and should be treated as such.

And that is also the message of the David Horowitz Freedom Center which has always been clear about who the enemy is.

That includes not just the Jihadist allies who terrorized Columbia, scrawling swastikas on its walls, taking janitors hostage and demanding the destruction of America and Israel, but all of their supporters from the street level to the highest levels of political power in Washington D.C.

Momodou Taal, the latest foreign student to be targeted for deportation and defended by leftists, declared:

When the enemy is US imperialism, then absolutely anyone the US calls an enemy is my friend.

This is a coalition of America’s enemies that potentially includes China, Iran, Russia, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the American Left, and the top leadership of the communist/globalist crime syndicate.

‘Death to America’ is not just a protest slogan and the support of it by top [Leftist] leaders shows how the radicals who launched their 50-year assault on it succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. From the days of [Henry Fonda’s daughter] and Tom Hayden, and the Weathermen and their bombs, what people used to call the ‘lunatic left’ is now in command and control of the democrat party [Leftist crime syndicate].

Like Khalil, and Momodou Taal, who had urged “the end of the US empire in our lifetime insha’Allah” (Allah willing) and raved that “my hatred for US imperialism and the global system it reproduces knows no bounds,” the radical rioters of the sixties were defended and dismissed as “protesters.”

But they were not just protesters.

And we were wrong not to take them seriously.

They wanted to destroy America. And they still do.

Protesters want political change within a country. Its enemies want to destroy it. “Death to America” and “the total eradication of Western civilization” are not calls for change. These enemies within on our college campuses and in our streets call for “armed resistance” by which they mean terrorism, war, and the extermination of anyone who dares to stand in their way.

Khalil, Taal and other enemies being deported by Trump openly tell us who they are. They are at war with us and their message is that the war can only end in our extermination: the “total eradication of western civilization” and “the complete eradication of Zionism.”

Why does the American Left stand with them?

Because it wants the same exact thing.

The movements that exploded in the sixties and today are as serious about destroying America as Iran and Al Qaeda. They are not part of our country, society, or civilization. Either we win the war against them or we will find out just how serious their call of “Death to America” is.

Appropriately, President Trump invoked the Alien and Sedition Acts since this war has been going on since the very beginning of our Republic. The long march of the Left through our institutions climaxed in their takeover of the finest university system in the history of mankind and the manifestation of the democrat political party into an international money laundering criminal syndicate.

Just as the Weathermen went from planting bombs to taking over academia, Hamas in America is replicating the same process—the enemy without collaborating with the enemies within—using our academic institutions as a launching pad for a war of extermination against America and Israel, against western civilization, against Christians and Jews, which will not end until we are defeated or they are defeated.

The Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas, replicated the SDS campus strategy using its Students for Justice in Palestine and Muslim Students Association chapters in colleges across the country to build an army of radical foot soldiers to turn what started as an external attack on February 93 and September 11 into a civil war to destroy us from the inside.

And now, for the first time, America is fighting back against the enemy within, because we have a leader who understands the threat for what it is.

The Trump administration’s move to deport the foreign campus radicals fighting against America despite the top echelons of the communist/globalist crime syndicate then rising to their defense, specifically denotes the extent of the enemy infiltration within or midst.

The 50-year struggle to take over [what was the]

Democrat Party has made it into an enemy of America.

Top democrats side with Hamas supporters who call for “Death to America” and the destruction of western civilization because that is not just the Hamas, Al Qaeda, and ISIS agenda, it is the Democrat Party’s communist/globalist crime syndicate’s agenda also.

[T]hey are showing Americans who they really are.