Justice Neil Gorsuch Explodes Liberal Heads By Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ On TV

It doesn’t take much to trigger liberals: President Trump can send out a tweet stating a fact, Republicans can pass a middle-class tax cut, or the American people can vote their conscience and liberal heads explode. Conservative Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch found an easier way to blow up liberal heads by simply saying “Merry Christmas” on TV. That he made this holiday greeting on Fox News added a few megatons to the collective liberal cranial detonation.

Gorsuch went on Fox & Friends to promote his book “A Republic If You Can Keep It.” As host Ainsley Earhardt welcomed him to the show, Gorsuch greeted her with “Merry Christmas.”

Then there was a blinding flash, followed by a mushroom cloud. Here’s journalist Amee Vanderpool exploding in liberal rage:

“Merry Christmas” is a GOP talking point and Republican narrative? Since when? Plenty of democrats are Christians who celebrate the birth of Christ like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. Sure, the loves them some abortion, but they are Christians.

Vanderpool would have been cool if Muslim Rep. Ilhan wished people a “Happy Suicide Vest Day” but this is a Christian holiday so it’s her duty as a member of the liberal media to freak the hell out.

It’s even worse because Vanderpool suggests that by wishing a Merry Christmas, Gorsuch has been compromised and can’t possibly be an impartial Justice.

“What [else] is he willing to do?” Vanderpool asks.

OMG!!! Can you imagine if he had the nerve to wish someone a “Happy Easter?”

Vanderpool’s followers were equally as outraged:

Around 85% of Americans identify as Christian. This is a Christian country that celebrates Christmas. 6 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices are Roman Catholic, including liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor. This is not some “vast right-wing” conspiracy to promote a fringe cult religion; it’s just a guy wishing a “Merry Christmas” to the majority of people who celebrate the holiday.

It is however a left-wing conspiracy known as the “War and Christmas.” This is godless liberals trying to turn the miracle of Christ’s birth into something sinister and racist. To that I say: “Merry Christmas, Amee Vanderpool. Seek help.”