Commentary for a Sunday: The Regime Threatens Sanctions on China Over Ukraine, Not Fentanyl

There is an easy way to determine The Regime’s priorities.

We the People must simply ask ourselves: What does everyone care about—the things for which we are willing to fight?

This from

The Obama/Biden Regime is threatening sanctions on China. But why?

Not because:

– China has been conducting a massive spying operation on America that includes hacking, including of the State Department, spy balloons, talent theft, and multiple convictions of spies in just the past year and a half,

– [T]he PRC has threatened war over Taiwan, nor

– China’s fentanyl trade has killed countless Americans.

No, none of those qualify for sanctions. But aiding Russia against Ukraine does.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken ended three days of meetings in China on Friday with a stark warning to China’s leadership—stop exporting materials that allow Russia to rebuild its industrial base or face U.S. sanctions.

Chinese state-owned firms are providing key components for Russia’s defense industrial base, including microelectronics and machine tools that have ‘a material effect against Ukraine’ and constitute ‘a growing threat that Russia poses to countries in Europe,’ Blinken told reporters in a press briefing in Beijing on Friday.

These are not even complaints that China is directly arming Russia, but that it is selling tools used in Russia’s defense industry.

Meanwhile, China is buying all the oil that Iran can ship to it with no interference from Biden.

And, even aside from Israel, Iran’s motto is “Death to America,” its proxy terrorists are currently attacking the U.S. Navy, and it has been responsible for terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.

But The Regime does not have a problem with any of that. Instead, it has used China as a backchannel to Iran.

What about the growing number of Americans killed by fentanyl? Sadly, this gets second billing.

Despite the creation of a bilateral Counter Narcotics Working Group in January, [The Regime wastes] more rhetoric than substantive action to address China’s role in supplying the chemicals that Mexican cartels process into fentanyl that ends up on the streets of U.S. cities.

Blinken said:

Beijing [needs to start] prosecuting those who are selling chemicals and equipment used to make fentanyl [and] disrupting illegal illicit financing networks [who fund that trade].

As Daniel Greenfield previously noted in his article Biden’s Fentanyl Deal With China Failed to Stop Overdoses, the deal was a scam. Now The Regime is admitting it, but still taking no action nor even threatening sanctions.

The Obama/Biden Regime has its priorities and bringing down America seems to be number one on the list.