“It Never Ends” Gun Law Attorney Predicts the Next Two Ways They Will Try to Disarm You

In a recent installment of Washington Gun Law TV, William Kirk, President of Washington Gun Law and Washinton’s foremost expert on firearms and use of force laws in Washington State, offered his insights into the evolving landscape of gun rights in America.

With a focus on proactive advocacy, Kirk delved into what he perceives as the next frontiers in the ongoing battle over Second Amendment freedoms.

This from msn.com.

Kirk began his analysis by addressing the expansion of red flag laws:

[We the People must expect] legislation empowering authorities to temporarily seize firearms from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others.

What alarms Kirk most:

[T]he proposed inclusion of medical professionals, such as doctors and counselors, in the groups authorized to petition for these laws.

According to Kirk:

[T]he integration of medical professionals into red flag laws blurs the lines between healthcare and law enforcement, raising concerns about patient confidentiality and trust.

He highlights the potential implications of mandatory reporting requirements for mental health treatment, suggesting that such measures could deter individuals from seeking necessary assistance.

Transitioning to his second prediction, Kirk examines the intersection of homeschooling and gun rights:

With the rise in homeschooling rates, he anticipates legislative efforts to designate homes as school grounds in certain states.

Such designations, Kirk argues, would establish gun-free zones in homes where children receive education, presenting a dilemma for gun-owning parents.

For parents opting to homeschool, Kirk suggested that firearm restrictions in designated school zones pose a difficult choice:

[C]omply with regulations or forfeit their right to educate their children outside the public school system.

He emphasized the potential impact of such measures on parental autonomy and Second Amendment freedoms.

Kirk urged viewers to remain vigilant and informed about legislative developments that could impact their Second Amendment rights. He emphasized the importance of understanding and advocating for gun rights, particularly in the face of seemingly innocuous legislation that may have far-reaching consequences.

Highlighting the role of grassroots activism and legal defense organizations, Kirk encouraged individuals to engage in advocacy efforts to protect their rights. He underscored the importance of community organizing and strategic advocacy in influencing legislative decisions and shaping public discourse.

Drawing upon historical and contemporary examples, Kirk reflected on the lessons learned from past efforts to enact gun control legislation. He emphasized the need for evidence-based policies that address public safety concerns while respecting constitutional rights and individual freedoms.

In conclusion, Kirk underscored the ongoing struggle to protect Second Amendment freedoms in an ever-changing legal landscape. He encouraged viewers to remain proactive and engaged in advocating for their rights, recognizing both the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the fight for gun rights in America.

Red flag laws utilizing medical and social-psychological practitioners and the designation of home-schooling environments as gun-free zones would be serious showstoppers that must be addressed.

Final thoughts: We the People have nearly lost our First Amendment rights. Retaining our Second Amendment Rights will be a non-stop legal battle. President Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court may very well prove to be worth their weight in Gold.