Election 2024: It’s Not About Trump vs. Biden, It’s About Marxism vs. Ordered Liberty

Imagine if both Biden and Trump were removed from the 2024 presidential race.

America would still be choosing between Marxism and Ordered Liberty.

This from Patricia Anthone on americaoutloud.news.

The politics of personality aside, each political camp would be forced to identify a substitute. In fact, the Left is already busy performing this very exercise. The Right, however, would be hard put to replace their MAGA leader.

NOTE: ‘Ordered Liberty,’ as referred to above, is a concept in political philosophy in which individual freedom is balanced with the necessity for maintaining social order.

Think of the dichotomy of Natural Liberty vs. Ordered Liberty as the freedom to pursue one’s own desires vs. freedom limited by the need for order in society.

On the opposite end of the political spectrum, communist ideology has had an uncontested foothold in education for generations. Sound governance, peace, prosperity, opportunity, and progress have ceased to be universal benchmarks in the measure of good government.

A great many [citizens] have been indoctrinated to demand social upheaval for its own sake and believe that income inequality is an injustice.

And as is apparent in s**tholes like California, the more human misery, the tighter the Marxist Party’s (communist/globalist crime syndicate’s) grip on power.

The Marxist Party leverages human misery, poverty, factional grievance, class envy, etc., to generate political capital.

Naturally, then, they cultivate the sources of their power: poverty, factional discord, and fear.

Their tactics are, by now, familiar to most of us:

The Marxists’ ‘solution’ to poverty has been to subsidize, with your earnings, all of the patterns of thought and behavior that impoverish people.

It has worked brilliantly. Generations have been entrenched at the subsistence level, and nearly all can be relied upon for unwavering political support.

Marxists shower governmental preference on the collectives they consider “most aggrieved” rather than on individuals who are the most deserving.

They present the forcible imposition of collective ‘equity’ (equality of contrived outcomes as measured by statistical parity among factions) as a virtue.

Where equal application of the laws limits the power of government and supports personal agency, a pursuit of collective equity represents a virtually unlimited grant of power to government   

And the predictable results of such factional favoritism by government—college admissions, employment, housing, healthcare, supplemental income, etc.—is greatly exaggerated friction between the recipients and the nonrecipients. 

‘From each according to his ability,

to each according to his needs’

gets old fast for those recurringly giving.

Thankfully, the experiences of the past few years may be restoring healthy skepticism on the part of a growing majority of the citizens of America.

Example: Varying demographics who have historically been democrat voters, have begun to identify the choice between Trump and Biden as “a zero-sum contest between completely irreconcilable goals for the future of our nation.”

Lest we forget: The individual citizen is the center of the American Constitutional Republic:

 – The key feature of a society that embraces equality of persons is the consenting, interdependent exchange among peers on which both prosperity and progress are built, and 

 – The principal focus in American society is on creating, innovating, and producing value as defined by others in society. Each person’s equal legal standing represents the ethical boundary on the exercise of individual rights. Defending each person’s right to life, liberty, and property is, therefore, the legitimate purpose of law (government) and the measure of justice. Government is instituted to provide guardrails, not an agenda-driven overlord.

And contrarily, the key feature of a society governed by the Marxist pursuit of collective “equity” is force:

 – Statistical parity among competing factions cannot be achieved without exercising total control of social and economic order, and

 – Government is the center of a Marxist society, more specifically, the Party’s agenda [is the center], whether through direct regulation or exercised in the form of coercion by private entities.

To review, the 2024 presidential election is more than a contest of personalities; it is an existential fight against a deadly, totalitarian, Marxist agenda for America.