Nancy Pelosi Says Civilization Will Be Destroyed If Trump Is Reelected

Democrats said if Trump got elected democracy would die. When that didn’t happen they said “for real this time” democracy will die if President Trump isn’t removed from office. Somehow that democracy thing wasn’t striking enough fear in people so Nancy Pelosi is now saying that all of civilization will be wiped out if Trump is reelected. If that is true, why is she working so damn hard to make sure President Trump gets 4 more years?

Pelosi spoke at some kind of a she-woman man-hater’s conference over the weekend and started off by proclaiming that the Earth belongs to women. And then the crazy started…

“This election is a very important election. My view, civilization as we know it is at stake,” said Pelosi.

Seeing as how Pelosi tried to remove Trump from office on a big pile of BS, let’s assume she isn’t a fan of the President and supports whoever the democratic party nominee is. *crosses fingers. “Please don’t be Bernie. Please don’t be Bernie”*

That being said, she’s claiming that if Trump were to be reelected, civilization as we know would be gone. This is her trying to make the case for Trump destroying the entire planet:

“It’s about everything. It’s about America. We asked God to bless America. God bless America. What is America? America is our Constitution. America is our Constitution with our genius of separation of powers though-ber (?) a republic if you can keep it. Benjamin Franklin,” explained Pelosi.

Wow, that’s a level of incoherence we’ve come to expect from Joe Biden. Maybe this is Nutty Nancy’s way of endorsing Crazy Joe.

Somehow this got even more insane.

“The Bill of Rights and all that it contains is under siege,” said Pelosi.

Democrats, including Pelosi, favor anti-2nd Amendment gun control, anti-5th and 14th Amendments elimination of due process, anti-1st Amendment attacks on religious (Christian) freedom, and anti-1st Amendment restrictions on social media free speech. What are the amendments President Trump has threatened?

As it turns out, Pelosi thinks the Bill of Rights, our Constitutional separation of powers, and civilization as we know it are close to extinction because President Trump wants to protect our borders by enforcing existing immigration laws.

“What is America? America is we the people. It is the beautiful diversity of America. Unless you were blessed to be born Native American, which is a blessing to you and those of us who love you and to America. We are a nation of immigrants who are being denigrated,” said Pelosi.

Now get ready for this:

“And every newcomer to America with hopes, dreams, aspirations, ah for a better life for their children and the future. Those are American traits and those newcomers have made America more American and continue to do so,” Pelosi said.

“Newcomers” is what Nancy Pelosi calls illegal aliens so her claim is that third-world law-breaking scumbags are what really make this country what it is.

That’s nuts, but putting everything together is pure insanity. Pelosi is saying that because President Trump is making an effort to protect this country and enforce the law, civilization is on the verge of collapse.

Here’s a fun fact: the exact opposite is true. If an open-borders democrat were to be elected president in 2020, our civilization (The United States of America) would cease to exist in a matter of years. Flooding this country with uneducated criminal mooches would destroy everything from our economy to our culture.

And just like the coup/impeachment sham, Pelosi is unwittingly working to make sure President Trump gets reelected in November. Claiming that civilization will be destroyed if we don’t let every third-world scumbag in the world come here is a pretty good Trump campaign ad that will play well in the swing states.