Opinion: Replacing Biden Will Prove Donors Have Chased ‘Democracy’ out of the Democrat Party

If the 2016 and 2024 campaigns established anything, it is that donors do not control the Republican Party.

This from frontpagemag.com.

Democrats (Communists/Globalists) spent a lot of time going on about money in politics only to now be preparing to shed their party’s nominee because of donor pressure.

Most Leftist leaders have stuck with Biden. And he may be a senile idiot, but the voters chose him. But after the debate disaster, donor pressure mounted. Now wealthy donors are threatening to cut off the party unless it overturns the will of its own voters.

Joe Biden is facing an uprising from some of his own party’s wealthy donors, including an heiress to the Disney family fortune, who say they will no longer fund the Democratic Party until Biden drops out of the presidential race following his disastrous debate performance.

Abigail Disney, the granddaughter to Roy O. Disney, who cofounded The Walt Disney Company, told CNBC on Thursday that she plans to withhold donations to the party she has funded for years until Biden drops out.

Abigail prefers too support art vandalism anyway.

And complain about the pernicious influence of money when she’s not demanding that her unearned fortune should trump that of the party’s own voters.

More serious Dem donors are also strategizing about getting rid of Biden:

After several days of quiet griping and hoping that Biden would abandon his re-election campaign on his own, many wealthy Democratic donors are trying to take matters into their own hands.

Wielding their fortunes as both carrot and stick, donors have undertaken a number of initiatives to pressure Mr. Biden to step down from the top of the ticket and help lay the groundwork for an alternate candidate.

The efforts—some coordinated, some conflicting and others still nascent—expose a remarkable and growing rift between the party’s contributor class and its standard-bearer that could have an impact on down-ballot races, whether or not the donors influence Mr. Biden’s decision.

A group of them is working to raise as much as $100 million for a sort of escrow fund, called the Next Generation PAC, that would be used to support a replacement candidate. If Mr. Biden does not step aside, the money could be used to help down-ballot candidates, according to people close to the effort.

Supporters of potential replacements like Kamala Harris are jockeying to position their preferred successor. Other donors are threatening to withhold contributions not only from Mr. Biden but also from other Democratic groups unless Mr. Biden bows out.

Just to be clear:

[I]f Biden is replaced, it won’t be because the party

turned on him, [rather because] the donor class did.

And political prognosticators are convinced if this occurs it’ll be:

[The] final nail in the coffin of even the faintest illusion of ‘democracy’ in the Democrat party.

The rank-and-file voters be damned.

This act of removing Biden upon command of the donor class will put beyond defense, beyond any difference of opinion:

The only thing that matters in the party is money.

Also, this would be an extraordinary event if the party’s presumptive nominee—who had the vast majority of rank-and-file voters—was shoved aside because ‘the money talked.’

Those of us on the Conservative side of the hurricane fence are given hope and caution this fatal attraction to money by the communist/globalist crime syndicate will in fact prove to be fatal.

A cult masquerading as a political party that chooses to openly demonstrate their own voters simply do not matter cannot possible be long for this world.