Nasty Fran Nan Thwarted by Her Own Liberal Hometown—Sanctuary San Francisco Subverts Justice, Refuses to Turn Over Attacker to the Feds

Communists and the mainstream media made a big deal about the man who “attacked” Paul Pelosi. They even tried to use the incident as grounds for attacking Republicans–even though the man was a known leftist and a visa overstay from Canada.

This from

It seems the left’s inability to enforce immigration law led to this horrible attack in the first place.

But now, [democrats’ communists’] ongoing support for policies that violate federal law could prevent the Pelosis from getting justice.

Because San Francisco is actually protecting this attacker, thanks to its “sanctuary” law.

San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said Thursday that she will refuse to turn the suspect over to ICE officials citing the San Francisco’s sanctuary city policies which ban departments and officials from assisting immigration officers with detentions or deportations…

Jenkins said in a statement hours after U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement publicly disclosed the hold on David DePape:

San Francisco is a sanctuary city and our policy is sacred.

She added:

We will not be collaborating or coordinating with ICE.

The odd circumstances surrounding the incident aside, We the People deserve this incident to be investigated and justice to be served.

Yet the very policies Nancy Pelosi has strongly, and vocally, supported are shielding this man from justice.

As a visa overstay, DePape should be handed over to ICE for possible deportation. That doesn’t mean he won’t face trial for his assault. It simply means ICE has jurisdiction and should be the agency leading this case.

Instead, the San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins is protecting this attacker from federal law enforcement. How hilarious is that?

Democrats Communists are so in love with their sanctuary policies, that they’d help out a man who may have tried to kill one of their own, or at a minimum is at the bottom (or the top) of a major scandal.

And it is no surprise the Pelosis are oddly quiet. Of course, it is in their best interests that this man is deported. Considering the conflicting reports we’ve heard about this incident, they probably don’t want DePape standing trial and testifying under oath. Deploy the smoke and mirrors—keep the sordid details hidden.

But what do we know? The communists seem to enjoy what they are doing when they shield illegal immigrants from deportation, right?

Final thoughts: This seems to be a combination of karma and the proverb about not having your cake and eating it too. For the communists, sanctuary city laws are great except when they aren’t great. Suck it up, Nasty Nan. Your own support for illegal immigration is now serving to bite you in the butt.