Power to We the People—A History and Trump Timeline Worth Smiling About

Neither the FBI, nor the CIA, nor the DOJ, nor lawyers, nor prosecutors, nor judges can take our liberty away from We the People.

Below is a quick, recent-history, feel-good, smiley-face recall. Be prepared to be entertained.

This from frontpagemag.com.

When Donald Trump seemed to have a lock on the 2016 Republican primary, the communist/globalist crime syndicate concluded that We the People could not be counted on to do the “right thing” of electing their candidate in waiting, Hillary Clinton.

What followed has been nine long years of extralegal efforts to neuter candidate, then President, then ex-President, and then candidate again, Donald Trump.

Since he and Melania rode the escalator down in Trump Tower in New York City on June 16, 2015, with a campaign rally and a speech the nonstop efforts to eliminate him were all justified as “saving democracy”—albeit by nearly destroying it. (Democracy in the mind of a communist/globalist is, of course, the continuation of their tyrannical uniparty control.)

– In 2015-2016, the Hillary Clinton campaign fueled the lie that discredited ex-British spy Christopher Steele had discovered Donald Trump to be a veritable Russian agent.

– – Hillary did not disclose that she had paid Steele—with checks hidden through three paywalls. The FBI, under Director James Comey, also hired the fraudster.

– – Yet almost nothing in his “Steele dossier” was true.

– The FBI doctored evidence submitted to a FISA court. Comey leaked to the press confidential documents about his private conversations with President Trump.

– Comey’s successor, Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, lied on numerous occasions to federal investigators.

– Both former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper repeatedly lied to the nation, saying that Trump was de facto working with the Russians.

The result? Trump lost the 2016 popular vote but still won the Electoral College.

– Next, celebrities and well-funded liberals waged a media campaign to convince the electors to become “faithless.” Left-wing elites begged them to renounce their constitutional duties and instead throw the election to Hillary Clinton.

– – Once Trump was elected, “Russian collusion” was fired up again in hysterical fashion.

– – A special counsel, Robert Mueller, consumed 22 months of the Trump presidency. His investigation team constantly leaked falsehoods about the “walls closing in on” Trump.

– – After nearly two years, Mueller announced there was no evidence of a Trump effort to collude with Russia.

– Next was the first impeachment of Trump—nearly the moment he lost the House in 2018.

– – Supposedly, Trump had leveraged Ukraine to investigate a corrupt Hunter Biden by delaying foreign aid.

– – Trump was impeached on a strictly partisan vote.

The result? No one denied the drug-addled Hunter Biden had indeed gotten rich from Ukraine, or that Joe Biden had fired a Ukrainian prosecutor looking into his son’s misadventures while still vice president, or that Trump released all the military assistance designated by Congress, or that he included offensive weapons formerly denied Ukraine by the Obiden Regime.

– Next, in 2020, when Hunter’s laptop turned up abandoned at a repair shop and full of incriminating evidence of more Biden family skullduggery, the left struck again.

– – It rounded up “51 former intelligence authorities” to mislead the American people on the eve of the vote that the laptop was likely a fake—once again cooked up by Russian disinformation experts to aid Trump.

– – And once more, that was another complete falsehood. But the lie proved useful to Joe Biden in the debates and campaign.

The result? Biden was able to garner enough legitimate votes to steal the election while being able to claim a record total of 81.2 million votes to Trump’s total 74.2 million votes.

– Next, the learn-nothing, forget-nothing left turned to the 2023-2024 campaign.

– – This time, their extra-legal efforts were threefold.

– – One, they unsuccessfully sought to remove Trump from some 15 state ballots.

– – Two, local, state, and federal courts began to wage lawfare to convict and jail candidate Trump, or at least bankrupt him and keep him off the campaign trail.

– – Three, county and state prosecutors campaigned on getting Trump on charges never filed before against a presidential candidate—and rarely against anyone else as well.

The results? Trump is facing multiple legal challenges related to his business and political activities, with the cases expected to continue playing out over the coming months in the midst of the 2024 election season.

In the first case to reach a verdict, related to hush money paid to cover up a sex scandal around the 2016 presidential election, Mr. Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts. He is expected to appeal.

Click HERE for a guide and HERE for a timeline to the major criminal cases involving President Trump.

– Next, on July 14, 2024, a shooter nearly killed candidate Trump, nicking his right ear after somehow firing a rifle from a rooftop a mere 140 yards away—while allegedly being undetected by law enforcement inside the very same building below.

– – Prior to the shooting, Joe Biden had boasted to donors that ‘it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.’

– – Biden had railed nearly nonstop that a Trump victory would spell the end of democracy—a theme the left had fueled by comparing ad nauseam Trump to Adolf Hitler.

The Results? Trump survived the crude effort to end his life, the attempted assassination has bellied his determination and enthusiasm as well as that of his tens of millions of supporters, and his lead in the polls is growing in leaps and bounds.

President Trump is leading a counter insurgency to vanquish the Deep State, drain the swamp, destroy communism/globalism in America, and to restore liberty and equal justice under the law.

God speed to President Trump and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.