John Kerry Randomly Calls For President Trump To Resign

Last year Donald Trump went to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland and the liberals gave him crap. This year because of the government shutdown, the President has cancelled his trip and the liberals are giving him crap. Former Secretary of State John Kerry was in Davos and the crap he served up was a call for President Trump to resign. Kerry’s offer didn’t include a plane full of cash, but now that he’s unemployed he doesn’t have access to the United States ATM card like he did when he negotiated the horrible Iran nuclear deal.

John Kerry has a message for President Donald Trump from CNBC.

At a forum hosted by CNBC, John Kerry was asked about President Trump, because literally no one was interested in hearing about John Kerry.

“If you had president Trump sitting right opposite you, what would your message be?” the moderator asked.

And these are Kerry’s actually words in response:

“I, I, I can’t play that. Just yeuh, yeuh. I would…,” said Kerry shaking his head.

He’s quite the eloquent speaker, isn’t he? He claims that he can’t play “that” which presumably means he lacks the imagination to answer a hypothetical question. As it turns out there’s a bunch of other stuff he can’t play:





Kerry tried to explain why he was unable to answer this simple question.

“But I know that you see, because he doesn’t take any of this seriously. He doesn’t have an ability to have that kind of conversation,” Kerry said.

Take what seriously? What kind of conversation? This is the kind of rambling a crazy person does when they go off their meds.

The moderator continued to press the mumbly-mouthed Kerry for an answer.

“What would you say to get at him? What would your message be?” asked the moderator.

“Resign,” Kerry replied.

There was a smattering of applause and Kerry looked very content with his eventual answer.

The big question besides why anyone thinks John Kerry is relevant is: why should Donald Trump resign? He’s killing it at President. He’s done more on foreign policy in 2 years than Kerry and Hillary Clinton did in 8 years under Obama. That’s not an actual brag because Hillary and Kerry combined to do exactly nothing positive, but Trump is getting shit done on trade and peace.

It’s hard to tell under what context Kerry is calling for Trump’s resignation, but it seems to be related to the fact that he blew off Davos this year. This may be more of that “whatever Trump does is bad” thing liberals are so fond of. Something the President actually addressed in a tweet:

Maybe if President Trump were sitting opposite John Kerry his message to the failed presidential candidate would be: “get a life.” Since losing his SoS gig he’s been running around the world acting like he’s still America’s top diplomat. This is as sad as someone fired from McDonald’s showing up at other fast food restaurants, trying to serve fries and fill the napkin dispenser.