Democrat Brian Schatz (A Dude) Doesn’t Think Dudes Should Be In Charge

A beta male is still a male, biologically speaking. “Masculine feminist” Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz, who scientifically qualifies as a dude, thinks that dudes have ruined everything and shouldn’t be allowed to run the world. Of course Schatz is a democrat, so he doesn’t mean liberals dudes should be toppled from power, just the conservative dudes. Democrats are selectively outraged and hypocritical like that.

Without any context whatsoever, Schatz started man-hating rant like this:

What guys? Schatz doesn’t say. He doesn’t tag anyone, didn’t link to anything, and wasn’t responding to anyone’s tweet. He just wants those “guys” ousted. And he put periods after every word which is an alternative to ALL-CAPS to show how serious, or insane he is.

Schatz then shifted from wanting to oust the guys to hating on the dudes:

As I pointed out, Schatz is a dude and as a US Senator, he’s also in charge of things, though probably not his own sanity. Does this tweet indicate that he’s going to resign? If that “dudes” thing isn’t working, and since he’s a dude, shouldn’t he give up his seat to a woman? As I also noted, he clearly means other non-liberal dudes, not him.

Schatz is trying to be a “woke” male feminist here but in reality what he wrote was terribly sexist. He’s saying that there are no successful women or any women in a position of power. This minimizes the accomplishments of women, even in his own party. He’s saying that women who have fought hard to achieve greatness don’t count and if a Republican said that, it would be sexist as hell. Lucky for Schatz, he’s a democrat and has the protection of the liberal double-standard.

Another thing that Schatz has inadvertently said is that the United States is terrible. America has been run by dudes since day one and it’s the greatest country the world has ever known. By saying that dudes running everything is not working, he’s also saying that America is not working. In other words, he hates this country and believes it is a failure. Sure, this country put Brian Schatz in the US Senate, which isn’t a proud moment for us, but other than that, America kicks ass.

Here’s what I think happened: Schatz was sitting on the toilet (I assume he pees sitting down) and the sight of that thing between his legs caused him to be overwhelmed with Male Liberal Guilt. It’s a similar psychosis to White Liberal Guilt but involves ding-dongs instead skin pigment. Because liberals are insane, looking at his own genitals made Schatz lash out at men, women, and the United States of America. Maybe he should start going to the bathroom in the dark or at least read a newspaper.