Barbara Streisand Lays Groundwork To Impeach Trump For Not Owning A Dog

Liberals were trying to impeach Trump since before he even took office. They wanted to impeach him for colluding with Russia but that never panned out. They wanted to impeach him for obstruction of justice but that too went nowhere. Rep. Al Green introduced articles of impeachment because he thinks Trump is racist and Rep. Maxine Waters would like to impeach Trump for whatever reason she can think up. Again, these efforts have failed, but there must be some reason to impeach the President, right? Luckily Resistance celebrity Barbara Streisand has a plan to get rid of Trump and it’s because he doesn’t own a dog.

Streisand didn’t come right out and say Trump should be impeached for not owning a dog, but she is definitely laying the groundwork. That’s how it works with liberals. They start pushing a bullshit talking point until everyone on the left is worked up into a frenzy and screaming “Impeach!”

What does it say about someone who doesn’t like dogs? I don’t know, maybe that they don’t like dogs. Here’s a shocking statistic: only 44% of Americans own a dog and that means the majority of people in this country don’t own a dog. Liberals hate vast swaths of the American population and this is apparently Babs’ way of saying everyone who doesn’t own a dog is worse than Hitler, who BTW did own a dog.

Streisand also has considerable hatred for hunters with that line about Trump’s sons killing “wild animals for kicks.” That thing that’s she making out to be a hate crime against nature is what a lot of other people call a hobby. I could understand her being mad if the Trump boys were bird hunters (she does have a considerable beak) but this is just a pointless attack on a sport millions of Americans participate in.

What Streisand is hinting at is that all US Presidents are expected to own dogs. I don’t know if she noticed, but Donald Trump is not a conventional President. Besides, what does dog ownership mean if it’s insincere? Obama was never a dog owner, but when he got to the White House he went out and got a pair of dogs. That never made him a dog guy, just a dude who bullshits with a false appearance.

And seriously, if Trump did a dog, liberals would loose their shit. Anything Trump does is horrible to the left and I suspect that if he adopted a pup they’d say it was proof that his Putin’s puppet and the most racist person ever. If Trump really wanted to f*ck with liberals, and I think he does, he should get a pet snake or a pot-belly pig and name it Rosie.

The way Streisand is presenting this faux hysteria is that it is disqualifying that Trump doesn’t own a dog. From there, lefty psychologists will say that Trump’s pooch-aversion is a sign that he’s mentally unfit. Then the liberal media will run stories that unnamed Trump administration officials are concerned that the President not owning a dog shows his lack of leadership. Finally, House democrats will introduce more articles of impeachment because Trump doesn’t have a dog.

Laugh all you want, but this scenario has played out dozens of times already in Trump’s presidency. Liberals may be crazy, but they are predictable. Streisand brought up this dog thing because she thinks it may be the Golden Ticket to getting rid of the guy the rest of us voted to lead our country.