Pence Responds to President Trump – Claims He Had No Right “To Overturn the Election”

Former Vice President Mike Pence came out of the closet (not fully) to use phony arguments to claim that he was right to certify fraudulent results in the 2020 Election.

This shows, if nothing else, that Pence believes he still has a future in American politics after stabbing the President and the American people in the back on January 6, 2021.

Note to Pence: Benedict Arnold was despised by the British and by the Americans following his now-famous treachery.

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The truth is coming out about Mike Pence and it ain’t pretty.  Earlier this week the many individuals in his camp in the White House were outed as Never Trumpers and America haters.

Emerald Robinson pointed out Pence’s involvement in many of the corrupt and anti-American acts that occurred during Trump’s Presidency. Pence was in the middle of it all.

Click HERE to read Pence: The Man Behind the Treachery…


Then Pence stabbed all of America in the back by choosing the corrupt electors who represented the corrupt results in numerous states in the 2020 Election. Pence had a chance to set things right but instead he blew it.

Yesterday Mike Pence was in Orlando where he told his audience:

“I heard this week that President Trump said I had the right to ‘overturn the election,’” Pence said, referring to a statement Trump issued on Sunday. “President Trump is wrong. I had no right to overturn the election. The presidency belongs to the American people and the American people alone.”

Pence will go to his death bed believing he did the right thing in allowing an election coup steal the 2020 Election.

Of course, this is false.

Pence had every right and the responsibility to challenge the corrupt results in multiple states.  All of honest America and most of dishonest America knew the 2020 Election was a fraud.

Pence will now go down in history as another Brutus and coward. 

And there are many who would like to see him “go down” sooner than later.

God speed to President Trump. Hurry Back! Your country needs your wise leadership.

And may God bless America.