Colin Powell Says Illegal Immigration Is The Only Thing Keeping America Alive

Colin Powell was George W. Bush’s Secretary of State and like everyone from that administration, a rabid Trump hater. The problem is, Donald Trump annihilated Bush’s “Low Energy” brother Jeb in the 2016 Republican primaries and the Bush cartel has been furious ever since. Powell was on CNN bashing Trump when he made the odd statement that illegal immigration is the only thing that’s keeping America alive. How this is an attack on Trump is anyone’s guess, but Trump Derangement Syndrome has a mystifying effect on everyone it afflicts.

Powell appeared on CNN with Bill Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and the two tag-teamed their assault on President Trump over a variety of subjects. When it was Powell’s turn in the ring he used the “Trump is a big meany” attack:

“I hope the president can come to the realization that he should really stop insulting people. I used this two years ago when I said I could not vote for him in the 2016 election. Why? He insulted everybody. He insulted African-Americans. He insulted women. He insulted immigrants. He insulted our best friends around the world. All of his fellow candidates up on the stage during the debates. I don’t think that’s what should be coming out of a president of the United States. But I don’t see anything that’s changed in the last two years,” said Powell.

As you can see, Powell is upset that Trump was mean to fellow Republicans in the 2016 primary season, or more specifically that he destroyed hapless Jeb Bush. I told you this was all about avenging Jeb’s pathetic attempt at a presidential run.

Also, when did Trump insult African Americans, women, or immigrants? It never happened, but he did state that some illegal immigrants from Mexico were drug dealers and rapists, which is 100% true. Just like the democrats do, Colin Powell is trying to conflate illegal immigration with legal immigration.

And here he goes again:

“The world is watching. They cannot believe we’re doing things like separating mothers and children who are trying to get across the border from south of our border. They can’t believe we’re making such an effort to cease immigration coming into the country. It’s what’s kept us alive,” Powell said.

Really? Illegal immigration is what has kept this country alive? Show your work, Colin. Please provided us with any evidence that without illegal immigration the United States would cease to exist. The truth of the matter is, illegal immigration is a threat to America’s existence. Open boarders with zero immigration enforcement destroys our country’s sovereignty and without sovereignty a nation is not a nation, but an occupied territory.

Powell is equally full of shit when he claims that Trump is trying to “cease immigration.” There’s some more of the Democratic Party style conflation I was telling you about. The President is simply trying to enforce existing immigration laws and the fact of the matter is, less illegal immigrants have been deported under him than when Obama was in the White House. Obama immigration policies separated children from the parents when apprehended trying to sneak into the country too. I don’t remember Powell or the democrats crying about it when Obama was in charge.

These Never-Trumpers from the Bush Jr. administration need to get over it. Jeb Bush sucked and was never going to be president. Yes, Trump made fun of him, but that’s not the reason why his presidential bid failed. He was a weak candidate. By going after Trump for Jeb’s failure, Powell and the like are trying to burn down the entire Republican Party because a witless Bush didn’t have what it took to win the White House.